Download Php5apache2_4.Dll Win64 Rating: 7,1/10 2195 votes
Cannot load c:/php/php5apache2_4.dll into server:
I have a working Apache 2.2 install on a Windows Server 2008 r2 that is running php 5.3.8
It’s past time to upgrade it.
Downloaded and installed Apache24 from this site and it seems to run but will not serve any PHP pages as PHP.
This server suggests it is Win64.
Installed Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable (x86) - 11.0.61030
Downloaded the latest php2_4.dll from which the latest seems to be for PHP 5.4.
This server has PHP 5.6.29 installed and the Windows CMD returns PHP 5.6.9 for php -v which suggests that the Environment variables are set correctly.
Yet adding the line
AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php
LoadModule php5_module 'c:/php/php5apache2_4.dll'
returns the error Cannot load c:/php/php5apache2_4.dll into server:
I sense the consensus from this post is that the .dll finds an incompatibility with Apache24.
So if this php5 module is required, why do I only see versions only up to php 5.4? And how to get past this?

Cara install driver wireless windows 7. I'm trying to integrate php on Apache. Following is the versions I'm using

I'm setting this on a 64 bitwindows 7 machine. I have made the configurations as per this, but I'm getting the following error even though I have place the dll in the specified folder.

Installing Apache 2.4.25 To download Apache you have two popular options. 19 comments on “ Installing Apache 2.4 and PHP 7 for Development on Windows ”.

Cannot load C:/php/php5apache2_4.dll into server: The specified module could not be found.

The httpd.conf line entry is this

Is there any version compatible issues?



3 Answers

The only way I've been able to get PHP (5.5) to work with Apache (2.4) on Windows (7 and 8) is to make sure Apache and PHP are both either 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) and that Apache and PHP are both Thread Safe (TS). Using Non-Thread Safe (NTS) did not work for me (or others), and the Thread Safe build comes bundled with the needed Apache Module for PHP 'php5apache2_4.dll'. Once all my bit-depths and thread safety was matched up, Apache 2.4 and PHP 5.5 work well together on my Windows systems.

Download Php5apache2_4.Dll Win64

Both products must also have been compiled using the same major versions of Microsoft Visual Studio/C++, such as VC6 (the legacy VC++ compiler), VC9=Studio 2008, or VC11=Studio 2012. For the above Apache versions, only VC9 or VC11 are commonly used.


Get Windows Apache binaries here:

Get Windows PHP binaries here:

Install the Visual C++ Redistributable compiler runtime library for the specific Visual Studio version used to prepare both Apache and PHP for Windows:



Marty McGeeMarty McGee

You are right Marty, they work only if both are either 32bit or 64 bit. I used XAMPP- Apache's distributed installation to resolve this issue.

Download Php5apache2_4.Dll Win64

Apache win 32 with 64 bits its the problem, you need Apache64

Download Php5apache2_4.Dll Win64

protected by CommunityJan 7 '14 at 7:35

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