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An-Nahu al-Wadih, Volume 1 and 2, with corrections of exercises. High quality editing, beautiful layout, and synthetic tables for better reviewing. Posts about In English: An-Nahw Al-Wadih – Part 1 written by Nasrin Akther.

School of Islamic Studies

The program of Islamic Studies is alreadyrun by Kilakarai Bukhari Aalim Arabic College located in the University campussince 10 years. Our Honorable Chancellor Dr.B.S.Abdur Rahman is very much interestedin the modernized Islamic Studies. Upon his direction an academic team visitedmany foreign universities like International Islamic African University,Khartoom, Sudan, the world famous Al Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt and UmmulQura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia.
After carefully studying the curriculam andsyllabi of those universities and considering the requirements of our Indianstudents a curriculam and syllabi of modernized Islamic Studies was preparedand offered by Bukhari Aalim Arabic College. Now after 10 years successfulexperiment the same syllabi with current update became B.A.Islamic Studies ofB.S.Abdur Rahman University.
B.A.Islamic Studies is an interdisciplinaryProgram that focuses on betterment of humanity. It includes variety of fieldslike Teachings of the Holy Quran, Teachings of Prophet Muhamad (pbuh), IslamicJurisprudence, Islamic finance, Islamic History, History of civilization,Philosophy, Theology, Comparative Religion etc.

§To promote scholars who understand Islam correctly andconvey it’s message to others by deeds words.
§To promote role models for peaceful co-existence.
In addition to Holy Quran and teachings of the Prophet,this syllabus includes Philosophy, Muslim Personal Law in the Indian Context,Modern Islamic Finance, Family System, Plural Society and Comparative Religion.The comparative religion focuses on common grounds between major religions andspecial aspects of each religion.
This Syllabus bridges between thetraditional faith-based education and the reality of life in modern era.

Unit 1:9
Rihla ila Shathi al Bahr – Fit Thareeq – Hareeq fiMasna’ al Darrajah – Al Qadhi Al Aadil – Al Taqs
Unit 2:9
Umar Bin Khathab (rali)– At Talib At Thahki – Al Sadaqa – IndaTabeeb – Ziyarah ila Riyath
Unit 3:9
Khadija binth Khuwailid (rali) – Risala min Makkah Al Mukarramah – FiMahthatil Qithar – Min Yamiyyathi Thilmidi fil Madarash – Khadiyyathun Najah
Unit 4: 9
Khalid Bin Al Waleed (rali)– Fil Uthlah – Jazau Sinmar – Khazwa Badrul Kubra – Al Rayee Wal Dhi’bu waAhlul Kharba
Unit 5: 9
Abu Backr Siddique (rali) – Al Mar’atu fil Islam –Usrathu Muslimah – Al Malikul Hakeem – Min Akhlaq al Muslimeen
1. Al Arabiya lin Nashiyeen, Bukhari Aalim Arabic College,2005.
LanguageSkills I: Articles –Prepositions – Antonyms and Synonyms – Correct Form of Verb – Question Tags –Prefixes and Suffixes - Active and PassiveVoice – Direct and Indirect Speech – Forming Negatives – Forming Questions -Punctuation and correction of sentences with regard to gender.
Unit 2: 9
Language Skills II:Clausesto be combined – Completion of sentences with dependent or independent clauses –Correction of Sentences (Case, Adjective, Adverb) – Rewriting sentences in theright order – Correction of spelling – Substitution, Idioms and Phrases.
Unit 3: 9
SpokenEnglish:Introducing oneself – Introducing one another – Conversations– Role play.
Unit 4:9
Listening Comprehension: Listening to short texts, conversations etc.
Reading Comprehension:Skimming– Scanning – Cloze passages.

Written English: Paragraph Writing – How towrite Structured Paragraphs – Writing Essays. Letter writing: Letter to class teacher asking forleave – Letter to father asking for hostel fees, permission for picnic, Lettercongratulating a friend etc.
1.Bansal R.K., Harrison.J.B. – Spoken English, OrientLangman, Mumbai (1999).
3.A.S.Hornby – Guide to Patterns and Usage in English,Oxford University Press (1999)
Core Courses
Unit 1: Introduction to Tafseer, Mufassiroon & Sura alFathihah 12
Unit 3: Sura al Baqarah : Verse nos. 40 - 7112
Unit 5: Sura al Baqarah : Versenos. 104 - 12912
1. Tafseer Ibn Katheer by Al Hafiz IbnKatheer, 2nd Edition 98, Beirut, Lebanon.
1. Al Shaikh Tantawi, Al Tafseer al Waseeth,Tarikh An Nasr 1998.
Unit 1:12
(Sincerity, Selflessness and Intentionbehind All Action and Matters Open or Secret)
Chapter 3: Bab al Sabr(Resignation)
Unit 2:12
Chapter 5: Bab alMuaraqabah (Divine Contemplation or Mediation)
Chapter 7: Bab fil yaqeen waththawakkul (Belief and Trust inAllah)
Chapter 8: Bab al Isthiqaamah (Perseverance in Religion)
(Rights of the neighbor andGood Treatment of Him).

Chapter 10: Bab BirrIlwaalidain wa Silah al Rahm
(Benevolence Towards parents and GoodTreatment of the Relatives)
Chapter 11: Bab al Thahreem al uqooq wa Qatheeah al Rahm(Prohibition of Disobedience of Parents and Repudiation of Ties of BloodRelation)
Chapter 12: Bab Fazli Birri Asdiqayil Abi Wal Ummi Wal AqaaribiWal Zawjathi… (Virtue of Doing Good to Friends of Parents and Relations andWives and Other Who are Entitled to Respect).
Unit 5:12
Chapter 13: Bab Ikraamu ahli Baithi Rasoolillah … (Honoring theMembers of the Family of the Holy Prophet (saw) and Their Virtues)
Chapter 14: Bab Thawqeerul Ulama Wal Akaabar … (Honoring theUlama, the Pious and the Learned Persons, to prefer them on others and toexpress their Dignity)
Chapter15: Bab Ziyarathi ahlil Khair waMajaalisihim … (Visiting Holy and Virtuous Persons and Keeping Company withThem; Soliciting Their Favour and Visiting Sacred Places)
1. Riyadhus Saliheen byImam Abu Zakariya Yahya Al Nawawi,Maktabah Ashrafiya, Doeband, India.


Mutlaq Water - Impurities(Najasah) - Ablution ( Wudhu) – Al Ghusl.
Unit 2:SALAH (Prayer) 9
Dry Ablution (Tayammum) – Haidh and Nifaas (Menstruation and Post childbirth bleeding) - Adhan – Prerequisities (Shurut) ofthe Prayer.
Unit 3:SALAH (Prayer) 9
Obligatory acts of the Prayer – The Sunnah acts of thePrayer – At Tatawwu’ (Supererogatory) Prayers – Congregational Prayer.
Unit 4:SALAH (Prayer) 9
The Prayer of a Traveler - The Friday Prayer (Jumua) – EidPrayers – Funeral Prayers.
Unit 5:SAUM (Fasting) 9
Moon sighting – Importance of Fasting - Ramadhan – Ahkam Saum – Sahoorand Iftar - Fasting of Prophet.

1. Noorul Eidhah by Abul Ikhlas Hasan al Shurunbulali, IttihadBookdepot, Deoband, India.
2. Umdah al Salik by ShihabuddinAhmed bin Naqeeb, IttihadBook depot, Deoband, India.

1.Fiqh al Sunnah by SyedSabiq , Cairo: 1999.


AlMubthadha wal Khabar - Khabar al Mubthadha - Khabar al Nawasikh - Mawadhi’Fath-h Hamzah Anna - Al masdhar al Muawwal - Mawadhi’ Kasr Hamzah Inna.
Thaqseem al Fi’l - Dhamair al Raf’ al Baarizah - Isnaad al af’aal alsaheehah wal Mu’thallah - Al Mujarrad wal Mazeedh - Hamathaa al wasl wal Qat’.
Unit 3: 12
Al Laazim wal Mutha adhi - Aqsaam al Mutha adhi - Tha’dhiyah al Fi’l -Ism al Faa’il - Ism al Mafuool - Al Musthasnaa.
Unit 4: 12
Al Haal - Al Thamieez - Al Munaadha - Al Mamnu’ min al Sarf.
Unit 5: 12
Al Na’at al Haqeeqi & Al Sababi - Al Thawkeed- Al Athf - Waaw al Athf & Waaw al Maiyyah - AlBadhal - Adawaat al Isthifhaam - Al Isthifhaam wan Nafi ma’an
1. Al Nahw Al Wadhih by AliAl Jarim & Mustafa Ameen (Preliminary - Part: III), Deoband,India
1. Al Qawaid al Asaasiya Lillughathil Arabiya, KSA.

Unit 1:9
Part I : Lesson 1. Sayeed bin Aamir (Mubthada & Khabar - Singular, Dual& Plural) 2. Al A’yaad fil Islam (Types of Khabar ) - 3.Thadween al sunnah al Nabawiya ( Al Faail)
Unit 2: 9
Part I: Lesson4. Hidha Abil Qasim ( Maf’ul bihi) - 5.Fil Masjid al Haram (Inna waathuhaa) -Ibleesu yanthasiru (Qiraah)
Unit 3: 9
Part II: Lesson 7. Iyas Al Qadhi ( Huroof Jar) - 8.Amr bin al Aaswal Qaaid al Romani (Mudhaf Ilaihi) - 9.Al Imthihanaath al Madrasiyya:Mushkilah Aalamiyya ( Nakirah & Ma’rifah)
Unit 4: 9
Part II: Lesson10. Tareekh al Madaris ( Naaib Faail & Majhool) - 11.Al Mar’a fee Hayat alRasool
Unit 5:9
Part III :Lesson 13.Islamu Abi Hudhaifa (Al Asma’ al Khamsah) - 14. Sa’d bin Abi Waqqas(Raf’ al Mudhari’ & Al Afaal al Khamsah) - 15.Al Shura wal Muaradha indhaUmar bi al Khathab ( Nasab lil Mudhari’)
1. Al Arabiya lin Nashiyeen by Bukhari Aalim ArabicCollege 2005.
Unit 1:9
Prose(Detailed) I: Words of Wisdom(Lessons 1 to 8)
Spoon Feeding- Reading for Pleasure - The Challenge of Our Time - Woman not the weaker sex -Human values in education - Human rights - The complete man – Try prayer power.
Unit 2: 9
Prose (Detailed) II: Words of Wisdom(Lessons 9 to 12)
On not answering the telephone - Science, Humanitiesand Religion - Ecology - The reason.
Poetry (Detailed) I: Symphony (Poems1 to 4)
The tables turned - The dying gladiator -Thelake isle of Innisfree - The soldier .
Unit 3:9
Brahma - Stopping by woods on a snowy evening - Prometheusunbound - The Company of lovers - I ask for a moment’s indulgence - Urban - Lookingfor cousin on a swing - My grandmother’s house.

ExtensiveReader: Spectrum of ShortStories(Stories 1 to 10)
The giftof the magi - A cup of tea - The refugee - A friend in need - The sparrows - Adevoted son -The astrologer’s day - Search for a stranger -Themodel millionaire - The interview.
Unit 5: 9
Building self-confidence - Living excellence - Use goals tohelp you grow - Kinds of values - If -Whatis ethics?- Essential characteristics of human rights - A Negro labourerin Liverpool - Adams and Eves - Can woman truly change India? - Forests in theservice of mankind - Exploiting the sea.

1.S.Subramaniam,Words of wisdom, (Anu Chitra)
3.K.V.Raghava Rao,Spectrum of short stories, University publishing house, Hyderabad
4.Touchstone: Synergy of values (Madras UniversityPublication-2003)
Core Courses:
Unit 1:Sura al Baqarah : Verse no. 130 – 163 12
Unit 2:Sura al Baqarah : Verse no. 164 – 196 12
Unit 3:Sura al Baqarah : Verse no. 197 – 228 12
Unit 4:Sura al Baqarah : Verse no. 229 – 257 12
Unit 5:Sura al Baqarah : Verse no. 258 – 286 12
1. TafseerIbn Katheer by Al Hafiz Ibn Katheer, 2nd Edition 98, Beirut,Lebanon.
1. Dr. Muhammad SyedTanthavi, Tafseer Al waseeth, 1996, Egypt
(Teachingsof the Prophet)
Kitabu us salath – The Merits of theprayer – Remembrance of Allah after prayer –the Congregational Prayer and itsexcellence.

Unit 2: 12
Concerning sunan and their merits – Tahajjud prayer – what is to be recited whenone gets up during the prayer – encouragement to observe tahajjud – Moderationin what is done – Witr - Tarawih in Ramadan - The forenoon prayer – Voluntary prayer.
Unit 3: 12
PrayerGlorifying Allah – Prayer of thetraveler – Al-jumma’ah – The obligatorynature of sunnah prayer – Cleansing andgoing out early of sunnah prayer – Friday sermon and prayer – Prayer in timesof danger – Eid prayer – The sacrificeof the Animals on the occasion of the Eid ul adha – Atirah – The prayer at the time of eclipse – Prostration as a mark of Gratitude –Prayer for Rainfall & Winds .
Unit 4: 12
Visiting of the sick and the reward forenduring the illness- Wishing for Death and occupying one’s mind with it - Whatis said to one who is dying - Washing the dead body and shrouding it.
Unit 5: 12
Funeral Procession and Prayer - The Burial of theDead Body - Weeping over the Deceased - Visiting of Graves.

1. MishkaatulMasaabeeh by Shaikh Waliyuddin al Tabrezi,

1. Mirqaat al Mafaateehby Allama Ibn Sulthan Mohamed (Mullah AliQari)
An Introduction to Islamic Aqeedah - Oneness of God -Attributes (Sifaat) of Allah - Al QidamwalBaqaa - Al Hayah - Al Khalq wal Rizq - Al Imaatah wal Ba’s
Unit 2:9
Al Aajaal - Definition of Huda wal Dhalal - The finalMessenger of Allah - The Holy Quran:Words of Allah not created - Al Israa’ walMi’raaj - AlShafa’a
Unit 3:9
Al Arsh wal Kursi - Al Lawhul Mahfoodh - The Angels -The previous Messengers and secret books - Awliya al Rahman.
Unit 4:9
The six pillors of Iman - Ahlul Kabair - Al Sunnahwal Jama’h - Al Kiraam al Kaatibeen - Malakul Mawt - Adhab al Qabr.
Unit 3:9
Al ba’s wal Hisaab wal Sirathu and Meezaan - Heavenand Hell - Af’aalul Ibaad - Love of Prophet - The four righteous Khulafa).

1. Al Aqeedah al Thahaawiya by Imam Thahawi, Dar ibnHazm, Beirut 1998.
Unit 1: 12
AlMujarradh wal Mazeedh - Al Ibdaal & Al I’laal - Al I’laal bithaskeen - AlMeezan al Sarfi - Asmaa al afa’al - Al Fi’l al Mu’thal and its rules - Tawkeedal Fi’l - Ni’ma, Bi’sa & Fi’laa al Ta’ajjub - Thanees a Fi’l Lil faail -Naaib al Faail.
Unit 2: 12
Al Mubtadha & Al Khabar - In, Maa, Laa and LaataAl Mushabbahaath bi laisa - Ziyadah al Baa fee Khabar Laisa Af’aal al Muqaaraba - Thakhfeef Inna and its sisters
Kaffu Inna minal Amal Laa al naafia lil jins – Laasiyyamaa - Niyabah anil Masdhar - Al Idhafah - Al Mabni wal Mu’rab - Iqthiran Jawab al Shart bil faa - Al Athf -Ijthima al Shart & Al Qasam - Hadhf al Al Shart & Al Qasam.

Jazm al Fi’l al Mudhari’ -Adhawaat al Shart al Jazima & Ghairul Jazima - Jamidh & Mushtaq- AlMasdhar – I’maal Al Masdhar - Al Masdhar al Meemi - Al Marrah wal Hai’a.
Unit 4: 12
Al Mabni wal Mu’rab -Iqthiran Jawab al Shart bil faa - Al Athf - Ijthima al Shart & Al Qasam - Hadhf al Al Shart & Al Qasam -Jazm al Fi’l al Mudhari’ - Adhawaat al Shart al Jazima & Ghairul Jazima
1. Al Nahw Al Wadhih by Ali Al Jarim & MustafaAmeen
1. Al Qawaid al Asaaaiya Lillughathil Arabiya by Ahmad binIbrahim al Hashimi.

Unit 1:9
QuestionForms – Framing Questions - Auxiliary Verbs – Phrasal verbs.
Unit 2: 9
Conversations (Advanced level) – Debate –Presentations – Practice.
Unit 3:9
Listening Comprehension – Note making.
Unit 4: 9
ReadingComprehension – Reading articles in newspapers and expressing ideas in one’sown words.
Unit 5: 9
Creative writing – Criticism and appreciation of texts –Information transfer exercises – E Mail writing – Graphical interpretation ofData (Information transfer exercises) Editing.

1.Mohan Krishna,Meenakshi Raman - Effective English Communication- Tata Mc Graw-Hill, New Delhi(2000)
2.Murphy Raymond,Murphy’s English Grammar, Cambridge UP, New Delhi (2004)
3.Sasikumar.V,Dutt Kiranmani, Rajeevan Geetha, A Course in Listening and Speaking I,Foundation Books (2005)
4.Bikram K Das, Functional Grammar and Spoken and Writtencommunication in English, Orient Longman (2006)
Core Courses:
Unit 1:Sura al Nisa : Verses: 1 – 33 12
Unit 2:Sura al Nisa : Verses: 34 – 70 12
Unit 3:Sura al Nisa : Verses: 71 – 100 12
Unit 4:Sura al Nisa : Verses: 101 – 134 12
Unit 5:Sura al Nisa : Verses: 135 – 176 12
1. Tafseer Ibn Katheer by Al Hafiz IbnKatheer, 2nd Edition 98, Beirut, Lebanon.
1. Dr. Muhammad SyedTanthavi, Tafseer Al waseeth, 1996, Egypt
Unit 1: 12
Importance of Zakah – The things that Zakahshould be paid on it – Sadaqah Fitr.
Unit 2: 12
Those for whom the Sadaqah is not Halal– Begging – Spending and Refrain
Unit 3: 12
Excellence of Sadaqah – The Best Charity– A woman’s charity from her husband’s property.
Unit 4: 12
Al Manaasik – Ihraam and Talbiyah –Hajjah al Wada’ – Entering in Makkah and Tawaf – Staying in Arafah – Dhaf’ fromArafah and Muzdalifah.
Unit 5: 12
Ram’i al Jimar – Al Hadhy –Al Halaq –Khutbah in the day of Nahr … - Maa yajthanibuhu al Muhrim – Huntinng of Muhrim– Ihsaar & Fawt al Haj – Hara Makkah – Haram al Madeenah.
1. MishkaatulMasaabeeh by Shaikh Waliyuddin al Tabrezi,

1. Mirqaat al Mafaateehby Allama Ibn Sulthan Mohamed (Mullah AliQari)
Introductory - Zakat upon Sawayim (herdsand flocks) - Zakat of camels & cow- Zakat of horned cattle - Zakat of goats - Zakat of horses - Zakat of kids,calves and camels colts – Zakat from personal effects - Zakat of silver - Zakatof gold - Zakat of personal or chattel property - Laws respecting those whocome before the collector
Unit 2: 9
Mines and buried treasures - Zakat uponthe fruits of the earth – Disbursement of Zakat, and of the persons to whoseuse it is to be applied – Sadaqa Fitr - Measure of Sadaqa Fitr and of the timeof its obligation and discharge.
Unit 3: 9
Book of Haj – Mawaaqeeth – Ihraam – Arkaan of Haj –

An Nahw Al Wadih Pdf Editor
Qiraan – Tamattu’ – Punishments – Jimaa’ and itsrelated things – Tawaaf.
Unit 5: 9
Hunting during Ihram – Crossing of Meeqaat withoutIhram – Idhafa in Ihram – Ihsaar – Fawaat –Performing Haj for others – al Hadyu– Miscellaneous Masails of Haj.
1. Hidayah by Burhanuddin alMurgheenanani, Maktabah Ashrafiya, Deoband, India.
1. Fiqhal Zakah by Dr.Yusuf al Qaradhawi, 21st edition, Cairo, 1994.
2. Al Fiqh al Islami wa Adhillathuhu by Wahbah alZuhaily, 4th edition, Darul Fikr, 1997
Unit 1:Introductin9
Introduction, Defintion of Fiqh (Jurisprudence), Usulul fiqh,Objectives, The Two Methodologies,Adillah and orders of Adillah
Unit 2:Daleel I:Kitab9
Daleel-I: Holy Quran, Khawas, Dalalat Qatayiah, Dalalat Danniyah, Ejaz,Classification of Ahkam – Rulings.

Defintion of Sunnah,:Classification, Qatayiah, Dhanniyah,
Definition of Ijma’: FourPillars of Ijma’, Possibility and Practicable Ijma, Two types of Ijmah
Unit 4:Daleel IV: Al Qiyas9
AlQiyas:Definition, Examples, Proof from Holy Quran, Sunnah, Companions And logical Proof, Pillors of Qiyas,Definition of Illah, Conditions &Classification of Illah & Masalik al-Illah
Unit 5:Other Daleels9
AlIsthihsan, Al Maslaha al Murslah, Al Urf, Al Isthishab, The Sharia of Previousnations and Opinion of Sahabah.
1. Ilm UsoolAl Fiqh by Abdul Wahhab Khallaf, Cairo, 2002.
1.Usool Al Fiqh by Abu Zuhra, Demascas, II Edition 1998.
2.Al Wajeez fee Usulil Fiqh by Wahba al Zuhaili, Darul Fikr,Damascus.
(Umayyad Period)
AmeerMuaviya (The Founder of the Umayyad Caliphate): His Futooh, Administration and Achievements.Yazeed bin Muaviya, The Tragedy of Karbala - March to makkah -Yazid’s Successors
Abdullh bin Zubair - Marvan bin Hakam - Abdul Malikbin Marvan: The Thawwabeen or Repentants, Mukhtar Saqafi - The Kharijites -Administration - Personalqualities - Abdul Malik’s new regime. Waleed I bin Abdul Malik: Conquest of Sind - In Europe - Achievements. Sulaiman bin Abdulmalik: Qutaiba bin Muslim - Muhammad bin Qasim - Musa bin Nusair - Battles andconquests.
Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz, His Reforms, Fidak,Baitul Maal, Treatment with the Zimmis, Social reforms, Works for publicwelfare - Excellaence and superiority of knowledge - Personal charactor andconduct - Demise
Yazidbin Abdul malik: In Turkistan - Hisham bin Abdul Malik: Arminians andAzarbaijan - In Sind - Invasion of France - The Barbarians - The call of theAbbasid - His achievements and character.After Hisham:The Shia sect - AbbasiMovement and Abu Muslim Khurasani - Fall of Khurasan - Abbasid Caliphateestablishment - Message of the Umayyads.
Causes of the downfall of the Umayyads - A Review ofUmmaiyyad Period - Administration of the state - Military power - Civilization- Culture and social life - Knowledge, Art and Literature
1.Al Mukhtasar fee tareekh al Dawlah al Umawiya (Edition: Bukhari AalimArabic College)
1.Concise History of MuslimWorld by Rafi Ahmad Fidai, Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2004

Core Courses:
(Exegesisof Holy Quran)

Sura al Hujuraat Verses: 1-18
1. Tafseer Ibn Katheer by Al Hafiz IbnKatheer, 2nd Edition 98, Beirut, Lebanon.
1. Meanings of theQuran by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, Amana Corp., Maryland, USA, 1983.
Unit 1:12
One who can support a wifeshould marry – He who sees a woman, andhis heart is affected, should come to his wife, and should have intercoursewith her – Temporary marriage and itsprohibition for all times to come – It is forbidden to combine a woman and herfather’s sister or a woman and her mother’s sister together in marriage –Muhrim ( One who is in the state ofIhram) is forbidden to marry and the disapproval of giving the Proposal (inthis state) – Prohibition of one’s making the proposal of marriage when it hasalready been made by one’s brother, until he permits or gives her up – it isprohibited to contract shighar marriage – fulfilling of condition in marriage –Seeking consent of al-Thayyib in marriage in words and of a virgin in ( meaningful ) silence – It is permissible for the father to give the handof his daughter in marriage even when she is not fully grown up – Excellence ofmarrying or being married during the month of Shawwal and excellence of takingbride in the house during this month – It is permissible to caste a glance atthe face and the palms of a woman who one intends to marry.
Unit 2:12
When one is invited to awedding feast, one should accept it – It is not permissible to marry a womenwho it divorced by three pronouncements until she is married to another man andhe has a sexual intercourse with her,and then he abandons her and she completes her Idda – What is to be supplicatedat the time of sexual intercourse– Permissibility of having sexual intercourse with one’s wife from the front orfrom behind avoiding the anus – It is not permissible for a woman to abandonthe bed of her husband – It is forbidden to divulge the secret of woman –Al-‘azl (Incomplete sexual intercourse) Coitus interrupts.
Unit 3:12
It isforbidden to have intercourse with a pregnant slave-woman – permissibility ofintercourse with a suckling lady and disapproval of ‘azal.
It is forbidden to marrythe step-daughter and sister of the wife (when wife is alive and not divorced)–One suckling or two do not make marriage unlawful – Suckling of a young (boy)– It is permissible to have sexual intercourse with a captive woman after sheis purified (of menses or delivery). In case she has a husband, her marriage isabrogated after she becomes captive – The child is to be attributed to one onwhose bed it is born and one must avoid suspicion – Tracing or relationshipfrom physical features – How long after marrying one should stay with a virginor a woman previously married – Sharing visits to one’s wives equally –Permissibility of bestowing the turn on one’s fellow wife – Excellence of contracting marriage with pious lady –Excellence of marrying a virgin – The good of this world is the pious woman – Advice in regard to women.
Unit 4:12
It is forbidden to divorcethe women during her menses – pronouncement of three divorces – Atonement isessential for one who made his wife unlawful for himself with the intention ofdivorce – Mere giving of option of divorce to women does not make the divorceeffective, but when it is really intended – Illa’ and keeping away from thewives – there is no maintenance allowance for one who has been givenirrevocable divorce – One who is divorced by three pronouncements or whosehusband has died can get out of her house for a need during her period of ’Idda– The period of ‘idda comes to an end with the birth of child – It isobligatory to abstain from adornment during the ‘Idda period, but mourningbeyond three days is prohibited
Unit 5:12
Li’an(invoking curse) – Emancipating a slave – The right of inheritance of propertyvest with one who emancipates the slave – it is forbidden to sell al-wala’ (theright of inheritance of a slave) and its conferring on other – It is forbiddenfor a slave to take anyone as his ally except one who emancipates him –Excellence of emancipating a slave – Excellence of securing the emancipation offather.
1. Saheeh Muslim by Imam Muslim bin alHajjaj, Dar Al Ma'rifa, Beirut, 1999.
(Marriage& Divorce)
Introduction to Marriage (Zawaaj)- The importance of Marriage according to Quran and Sunnah -Guidelines forselecting the bride groom - Engagement.
Procedures and form ofmarriage contract - Unacceptable form of marriage - Al Mahramaath - Bridegrooms of Ahl Kitab - The gaurdianship of bridegroom.
Unit 3:9
Rights and Duties of Husband and wife -Al Mahar - House expenditures - Al Waleema (Marriage Feast) - Marriage with NonMuslim.
Unit 4:9
Thalaq (Divorce): The stages of Thalaq - Thalaq sunni andBidh’i - Thalaq Raj’i and Baain .
Unit 5:9
Al Khula’ - Al Dhihar - Al Faskh - Al Idhah - Childbirth &Nursing.

1.Fiqh Al Sunnah by Syed Sabiq,Cairo1999.
1. Nailul Awtaar by Shawkani - Dar AlFikr, Beirut, 2000.
Dilalah: Indication of word and its Various types – Ibarat Annass
Unit 2:9
Isharat Annass – Dilalat Annass & Iqtidha Annass- Division -1: Al-Sahir, Al-Nass, Al-Mufassir,Al-Muhkam
Unit 3:9
Division-2: Al-Khafi, Al-Mushkil, Al-Mujmal &Al-mutashabin, Al-Mushtarak) Words and their Collective meanings – Definition,Reasons for Collective meanings and their rulings.
Unit 4: 9
Terminology of Al-Aam: Definition - Form of Aam -Inidcations of Aam - Three types - Reservation of Meaning Terminology of Al-Khas: Definition - Mutlaq - Muqayyad.
Unit 5:9
Al Amru (Order) – Annahyu – Forms of Amru and Nahuyu - Al Maqaasid :Objectives of Shariah – Al Mashlish – Al-Dharuriyah – Al-Hujiyyah – AlTahseeniyyat.
1. Usool Al Fiqh Al Islami by Wahba Al Zuhaili- 2nd edition1998. Demascas.
1. Ilm Usool Al Fiqh by Abdul Wahhab Khallaf, Cairo, 2002.
Ibaadur Rahman – Syeduna Moosa – Jawami’al Kalim – Al Khatabah Al Mu’jizah – Fee bane Sa’d – Kaifa Haajara al Nabi –Ibthilaa’ Ka’b bin Malik – Maqtal Umarbin Khattab – Akhlaq al Mumin – Ikhwan al Safa – Wasf al Zahid – Baina alSyedah Zubaidah wal Mamoon – Baina Qadhi Waqoor wa Dhubab Jasoor.
Unit 2:12
Al Qamees al Ahmar - Kaifa Kaana Muaviya– Isthiqaamah al Imam Ahmed – Ash’ab wal Bakheel – Risalah al Ithaab – Hadeethal Naas – Fee Sabeel al Sa’adah wal Yaqeen – Wafah al Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi– Ulu al Himmah – Syed al Thaabieen Sayeed bin al Musayib.
Unit 3: 12
Al Nubuwwah al Muhammadiyawa Ayaathuha – Al Dhulm Muadhin bi Kharaab al Umraan – Al Madeenah al Ajamiyah– Ahl al Thabaqah al Ulya min al Ummath – Risaalah Muhammed – Al Kookhu walQasr – Syedi ahmed Sharif al Sinnusi – Al Dheen al Sinaayi – Saalim Maula AbiHudhaifah – Al Firdous al Islami fee Qaarrathi Asia.
Unit 4: 12
9, 8, 7 & 6th Centuries: Raja’thu Li Nafsee - Idha Naama Ghirrun - Biyadhil Afaafi - Al JiddhuFil Jiddhi - Laa Yamthathi al Majdha - Wala Thahthaqir - Wa IdhalKareemu - Assmih Akhaka - Isma’ Akhi - Hubbus Salama
Unit 5: 12
5, 4, 3, 2 &1st Centuries: Man Arafallaha - Alaa fee sabeelil Majdi - Wa Innee wa in kunthu - Wayunaafisu - Dhayil Fuadha - Innaa idhashthadha - Wa Innee la nazzalun - Lakalqalamu - Wa Aamirathin -Usluk baniyya - A Nalhu -Wa Abdau - Maa yablughu -Maafil Uqaami - Idhal Maru -Wa ainur Ridha - Idha balagha - Idha Kuntha -Haadhalladhi tha’rifu - Idha Kuntha fee haajathin - Wa Idha Thalabtha - Suninafsa - Tharar rajulan naheefa

1. Mukhtaaraat min Adab al Arab by Syed AbulHasan Ali Nadwi, Lucknow.
2. Majmua min al Nadhm by Mohamed Sharif Saleem, Maktabah Nadwiyah,Lucknow.
Unit 1:9
Abul Abbas Abdullah bin Mohammad AlSaffah – Abu Ja’far Abdullah bin Mohammad Al Mansur – Mohammed bin Mansur Mahdi– Moosa bin Mahdi Al Hadi.
Unit 2:9
Harun Al Rasheed – Al Ameen – Mamun AlRasheed – Al Motasim Billah – Wasiq Billah – Mutawakkil Alallah .
Unit 3:9
The downfall of Abbasides – MustansirBillah – Mustaeen Billah – The Buwaihid and The Fatimids.
Unit 4:9

Arts and Literature in Abbasids Period.
(Edition: Bukhari AalimArabic College)
1. History ofMuslim World by Rafi Ahmad Fidai, Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, 2004

Core Courses:
In Chapter: AlMaidah

1. Tafseer Al waseeth by Dr.Muhammad Syed Tanthavi,1996, Egypt.
1. Tafseer Al Baghavi by Abu Muhammad Al Hussain AlBaghavi, Riyadh,K.S.A.
2. Meanings of the Quran by AbdullahYusuf Ali, Amana Corp., Maryland, USA, 1983.
Unit I: 12
Tolerance - Anger forgiveness - Goodliving - Modesty – Gentleness - Thanking - Sitting in the road – Spaciousnessin meetings – Sitting manners to – Placing one leg over the other while lyingon the back.
Unit II: 12
Publishing secrets – Mischief Maker -Two-faced Man - Back-Biting – Slandering- Searching for faults - Concealing thefaults - Brotherhood - Humbleness - Taking revenge - Abusing the dead
Unit III: 12
Envy - Cursing - Suspicion - Sincerityand Protection - Sinning - Mukhannathun - Playing with dolls - Swing - Playingback gammon - Playing with pigeons.
Unit IV: 12
Mercy - Sincere contact - Helping aMuslim - Change of Names – Nickname - Surname (Kunyah) – Promise – Joking –Eloquence – Poetry - Visions
Unit V: 12
Yawing - Sneezing - Sleeping Manner -Moon sighting - Going out of Home - Asking Permission – Salutations - ShakingHands – Embracing - Standing up in Honor of some person - Kissing children.
1. Sunan Abi Dawood byImam Hafiz Abu Dawood Sulaiman bin Ash’ath al Sajasthani, Darul Hadeeth, Syria,1st edition, 1969.
1. Awnul Ma’bood by Mohamed AshrafSiddiqui Azeemabadi, 1st edition, 2000.
Unit 1:12
Introduction – Quranic verses on inheritance – Systemof inheritance in Islam - Introduction of Shares defined in the Holy Quran -Residuiraries and their classification (Al Furoodh al Muqaddhara fil Quran).
Unit 2:12
Al Asabah and its Kinds - Exclusion ( Al-Hujb ) –Grandfather along with brother ( Al Jadh Ma’al Ikhwah) - The doctrine of return (Al Radh wal A’wl )
Unit 3: 12
Tashih : Process and rulings ofdistribution of hires - Rules of devolution of vested inheritance ( Al Munasakhaat) - Distant Kindred ( Dhavil Arhaam) – Al Mafqood, Al Gharqaa, Al Hadhma.
Unit 4: Waqf 12
Saying of Abu Hanifa – Waqf – Waqf alIqaar – Sihhatul Waqf – Idha Ja’alal Waaqif.
Unit 5: 12
1. Al Mawaareeth fi Shareeathil Islamiyah by MohamedAli Saabooni,
2. Hidayah by Burhanuddin al Murgheenanani, MaktabahAshrafiya, Deoband.
1. Al Saraji fee Kitabal Meerath Ma’a Daleel al Warith by Sirajuddin Mohammed al Sajawandhi, Deoband,India.
Unit 1:Harmony andBrotherhood12

Chapter 2: Rights and duties of brotherhood
Unit 3:Rightsof Muslim, Kinship and Neighborhood12
Chapter3: Rights of Muslim, Kinship and Neighborhood
Belief in Al Qazaand Al Qadr- free will of human being
Unit 5: The Deed is base of faith12
1.Ihya Ulum al Deenby Imam Ghazzali, Bierut, 1999.
2.Aqeedah al Muslimby Sheik Muhammad Al Ghazzali, 8th edition, Jeddah 1996.

Unit I: Introduction 9
Importance ofKnowledge in Islam - Religious Movements: Companions, Mawali - Centres ofknowledge: Makkah, Madeenah, Iraq, Kufa, Basrah, Damascus and Egypt
Unit II: Religious Groups 9
Khawarij and itsteachings- Shia and their ideological development- Murjiah-Mutazilah.

Kuttab, Masajid,Debat centres, Library
Unit IV: Religious sciences and thefour Imams 9
Imam Abu Hanifa- Imam Malik - Imam Shafiyi - Imam Ahmedbin Hanbal
Unit V: Philosophy and Science 9
Biography of:Razi, Farabi, Ghazzali, Ibn Sina & Albiruni.
1. Tareekh al Fiqr al Islami, Bukhari Aalim ArabicCollege, 2009
1. Fajr al Islam by Ahmad Ameen & Taareekh al Fikr Al Arabiby Umar Farrookh, Beirut, 3rd edition, 1981.
Unit 1:Introduction6
Sources andprinciples of Islamic law: Quran, Sunnah, Ijma and Qiyas
Unit 2:Major Islamic Prohibitions6

Muqayadah - BayMutlaq – Sarf - Salam Contract.
Unit 4:Murabaha & Ijarah 6
Murabaha(costplus sale): Conditions of Murabaha - Modern application of Murabaha
Ijarah(leasing): Definition – Legitimacy - Ijarah al-Ashya - Ijarah al-Ashkhas - Modernapplication of Ijarah.
Unit 5:Musharakah (partnership)&Mudarabah 6
Musharakah:Definition - Sharikat-al-Milk – Sharikat al Aqd – Conditions.
Mudharabah:Definition - Legitimacy – Conditions - Dissolutions of Mudharabah.
1. Islamic Law ofContracts and Business Transactions by Dr.M.Tahir Mansuri,

1. Al Fiqh al Islami wa Adhillathuhu by WahbahZuhaily, Dar al Fikr, 1997.
2. An Introduction to Islamic Finance by MuftiMohamed Taqi Usmani, Karachi 1998.

Chapter: 36 Sura Kahf
Unit 2:9

Chapter: 36 Sura Yaaseen
Unit 4: 9

Chapters: 55 Sura Waqia’ -Chapter: 78 Sura al Naba’

1. Al Tafseer al Mawdhuyi by Mohamed Ghazzali
How the divine Revelationstarted to be revealed to Prophet Muhammad (sal) – Types of revelation –Revelation and good righteous dreams – Story of Waraqa bin naufal with prophet– Revelation in starting prophet period – Revelation with great stress andhardness.
Islam and Five principles –Invocation and faith – Deeds of faith – The feed is a part of Iman – Love themessenger from the faith – Sweetness of faith – Love the Ansar from Iman – Torun away from Al – Fitan – The grades in superiority of the belivers.
Al Haya ( Self respect, modesty) – Faith and Action – To greet is a partof Iman – Zulm (wrong) and Iman – The signs of hypocrite – In Allah’s cause isa part of faith - Abserve fasting andfaith – Religion is very easy – Offering prayer is a part of faith – Faithincrease and decrease – Zakath and Iman – Accompany the funeral procession fromfaith – Dialogue between Prophet and Jibril (Alai) about Iman .
Unit 4: BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE (Ilm) 12
Superiority ofKnowledge – Raising Questions and Voices for knowledge – Imam Questioning hiscompanion- Testing of Knowledge – Religious talk to students – Comprehend(Faiqh) in religion – Comprehending knowledge – Knowledge and wisdom .
Journey of Prophet Moosa (Ala)– To go out in search of knowledge – religious knowledge and ignorance-superiority of knowledge – Rotation for learning knowledge – Knowledge fromreligious preacher – Repeating knowledge for understanding – Man teaching tohis family – Eagerness to learn the prophet Hadith – Convey knowledge toabsentees – Writing of knowledge – Memorization – Questioning for religiouslearning – Shy while learns.
1. Sahih al Bukhari By Imam Bukhari, Maktaba Asriya, Beirut,2001
1. Fat-hul Baari by Imam Ibn Hajar al Asqalani,Maktaba Ashrafiya, Deoband, India.
(Tafseer & Hadeeth)
Al Uloom al Khamsah – IlmulJadhal – Al Jadhalul Quraani Ma’al Mushrikeen, Ma’al Yahood, Ma’annasaara,Ma’al Munafeqeen - Al Baqiyah al-Uloom al-khamsa - Bayanu Ujood al Dhiqqah walKhafa fee ma’ani nadhm al-Quarnil Kareem
Unit 2:12
Gharib al-Quran - Al Nasikh wal Mansookh - Asbabu al Nuzool - Baqiyahal Mabahis - Al-muhkam wal Muthashabih wal Qinayah wal Tha’reedh wal Majazal-Aqali - Usloob al-Qura’n al-badhee’ – Thartheeb al-Qura’n al-Kareem &Usloob al Suvar – Thaqsim al suvar Ilal ayaat.
Unit 3:12
Dhaahirah al Thakrar fil Qura’nil Kareem – Ujuhul Ijaz fil Qura’n alKareem - Funun al-Tafseer – Asnaaful Mufassireen wa Manahiju Tafseerihim –Gharaaib al Qur’anul Kareem – DhahrulQur’ani wa bathnuhu
Unit 4:12
Al Hadeeth & Al Sunnah- Al Sanad & Al Matan - Al Hadetth al Qudsi & Al Hadeeth al Nabawi - AlSahabi & Al THabiyee - Definition of Science of Hadeeth - Writing ofHadeeth - Compiling of Hadeeth - Narration of Hadeeth word by word
Unit 5:12
Al Mutawaatir - Al Aahaad -Al Ghareeb - Al Azeez - Al Mash-hoor - Al Isnaad: al Aali, al Naazil - AlMarfoo’ - Al Mawquuf - Al Maqthoo’ - Al Hadeeth al Saheeh (Definition) - TheBooks of Hadeeth: Bukhari, Muslim - Al Hadeeth al Hasan - An Introduction toFour Sunans -Al Dha’eef : Al Mursal, Al Munqathi’, Al Mu’dhal, AlMudhallas, Al Mudhtharib, Al shaz, AlMunkar, Al Mudhraj, Al Maqlub, Al Muallal.
1. Al Fawz al Kabeer by Shah Waliullah al Dehlawi, Dar al Sunnah,Luknow, India.
2. Dr.Hammam Abdur Raheem, Al Thamheed fee Uloom alHadeeth, Dar Al Basheer, Dantha, 4th Edition,1999, Egypt.
1.Dhiraasat fee Uloom Al Tafseer wal Hadeeth Al Nabawiby Dr. Nisar Ahmad, Chennai, India.
2.Nukhbah al Fikr by Ibn Hajar al Asqalaani, Deoband,India.

IS604 Comparative Religion
(islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and other minorReligions)
Concept of God in Christianity –Similarities between Islam and Christianity – Allah in the Bible – ProphetMuhammad in the Bible – What the bible says abouth Prophet Muhammad – Basic Beliefs (Islam andChristianity).
Unit 2:Islamand Christianity9
Difference between Quran and Bible -Women in Islam and Christianity – Prophecy about Mohammed – Day of Judgment –Concept of Trinity.
Unit 3:Islamand Judaism9
Introduction to Judaism - Basic beliefsin Judaism – Concept of God in Judaism - Old Testament, Tanakh (Jewish Bible),Torah - Prophet Muhammd in Jewish scriptures - Quranic versus about Judaism -Prophets to Judaism - Prophet Ibrahim: Judaism and Islam .
Unit 4:Islamand Hinduism9
Introduction to Hinduism - Basic beleifsin Hindusim - Concept of God in Hinduism - Hindu Scriptures: Vedas, Upanishasads,Puranas, Itihaas (Ramayana, Mahabaratha) - Prophet Muhammed in Hindu Scriptures – Quranic versus about Shirk –Day of Judgment in Islam and Hinduism – Similarities between Islam and Hinduism- Comparison of : Prophet and Sages, Angels and Devi Devas – Ethics andMorality .
Unit 5:Islamand Other Minor Religions 9
Islam and Buddhist Concept: Buddhistscripture - Buddhist Holy concept (Vinayaka Pitaka, Sutta Pitaka, Abhidhamma) -The Noble eight fold bath - Concept of Nirvana.
Sikhism Concept: Basic God beliefs - Thefive ‘K’s concept – Comparison of Islam and Sikhism.
Basic God Concept in other faith - Studyabout Atheism.
1. Al Mujaz fee alAdhyan wal Madhahib al Muaasirah by Nasir bin Abdullah Qaffari& Nasir binAbdul Kareem, 1st edition, Riyadh, 1992.
1. Muqaaranatul Adhyan by Mohamed AbuZahrah, Cairo, 1974.
Allied Courses:
Impact of printingand journalism on modern Arabic in 19th century - contribution ofSheik Mohamed Abduhu & Jamaluddin Afgani - Manfuluti and his writings.
Unit II: 9
Musthafa SadiqRafi’i - Hussain Haikal - Ahmed Lutfi Saiyid and their contribution to Modern Arabicprose.
Unit III: 9

Development ofModern Poetry - Shiara Nahdha - Jeel Jadeed - Shiarah Mahjar & Jamath Apoloand contribution of Al-Baroodhi.
Unit V: 9
Ahmed Shouqi - HafizIbrahim - Khaleel Mutran and their works - Modernization of Arabic poetry inthe works of Al-Aqqad, Shukri and Al-Mazini.
1. History of Modern Arabic literature by BukhariAalim Arabic College, 2008
1. Thareekh al Adabil Arabi by showqi Dhaif - Dar alma’arif, Cairo, 1960.
Unit 1:6
Role of Muslims in Indian Culture –Medical Services – Intellectual Heritage of Muslim Scholars in India andImportance of Arabic Language – Prominent Scholars among Indian Muslims – TheImpact of Arabic Language on Indian Languages - Islamic Culture in India – Twomain Elements for Shaping the Culture – Three Abrahamic Characteristics.
Unit 2:6
Meditation – Thawheed: GlobalCharacteristic – Human Equality and Dignity - Education system - Centers ofEducation: Sind, Multan, Delhi, Lahur, Gujarat, Lucknow – Different stages ofEducational System.
Unit 3:6
Salient Features of Methodology – Centersof knowledge and Islamic Culture in India: Darul Uloom Deoband Seminary, SalafiMadrasa, Banaras.
Modern schools and Universities: AligarhMuslim University, Jamia Millia, Usmania University, Nadwatul Ulama, MadrasatulIslah.
Unit 4:6
Sufism in India and Itsimpact on the Society – Role played by Muslims in Indian Independence Movement– Indian National Congress – Khilafath Movement – Jamiyatul Ulama.
Unit 5: 6
Plural Societyin Islamic Perspective: Rights – Duties – Historical evidence – Doubt clearing
1. Al Muslimoona Fil Hind by Syed Abul Hasan Ali,Nadwatul Ulama, Lucknow, 1986
2. Ghair alMuslimeen fil Mujtama’ al Islami by Dr.Yusuf Qaradawi,

Translation attempt: And Certainly OUR (i.e. ALLAH’s) Troops , surely they will be the Ghaaliboon (Over-comers, Conquerors). (37:173)

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… Till ALLAH’s Rule is established worldwide & HIS Absolute Greatness accepted worldwide!

(Note: I am just an ordinary Muslim & Islam does not forbid an ordinary Muslim from the above mentioned dream & mission, as long as he abides by the instructions of Islam, & I will only be able to participate as much as ALLAH considers me worth participating.)

Download books on Qur’an, Sunnah, Islamic System & Law, Classic Arabic Grammar & vocabulary, Qur’an’s Miraculous Inimitability & Balaghah, Hadith science, Matan (Matn) & critical issues, Translations, Concordance, Software, Research & more… Spread this site as much as possible !

Translation Attempt : And those who do Jihad for Us, We will certainly Guide them to Our Paths, and indeed ALLAH is with the doers of: excellent/beautiful (29:69)

Notes: I expect atleast some of you to keep downloads of all these files. Most of the books are in English.

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Concordance of The Qur’an new version published and many new books added.

Motivation :
1. 100/Infinity=0. So 100 (life of this world is less than this usually) divided by Infinity (life of hereafter) = 0 (which mathematically & scientifically proves that this life is nothing compared to the hereafter).
2. This Finite life of a few dozen years is the most crucial & important portion of our infinite life as it is to be the basis of our infinite life. Each second here shapes our infinite life ahead! Intentions x efforts made in this life for the finite age allotted here become the basis of the level of Pleasures or Pains in the infinite life that will be allotted in the hereafter.
3. There are 3 Major categories in the Hereafter. Paradise 1, Paradise 2 and Hell. Read Surah Waqia (Surah 56). And within these 3 major categories there are further divisions depending on the level of intention and striving. e.g. Reward is not the same for all people of one category but differs depending on their intention and striving. Read Surah An’am (Surah 6) : Ayat 132
4. Whatever you may like to have in this world, remember that ALLAH is its CREATOR and HE can give you much better version of it or alternate to it in the hereafter, so you should be trying to strive for a higher level of Paradise to get a better/more beautiful/more pleasing… etc. version of the thing you want, as once this life is over, you won’t be able to increase the level by your own effort. All you have is given to you by ALLAH, and all you can ever want can only be given by ALLAH.
5. Some may say, why mention rewards, why not, only for ALLAH. We do it for ALLAH, but ignoring the rewards created in Paradise specially for its dwellers, is a kind of ungratefulness. It is too easy for ALLAH to create these things. Surah 56 concept of Saabiquun (the ones who take the lead) who are the Muqarrabuun (Those brought near ALLAH). After mentioning this nearness, their rewards are mentioned which are much better than the rewards of Paradise 2. The higher the level of Paradise, the more the nearness to ALLAH & the better the rewards. Doing for ALLAH includes not doing something which ALLAH doesn’t approve, ALLAH is Ever Merciful, a disobedience once done can be forgiven by ALLAH, but the fact that you have disobeyed ALLAH at that moment in time & space will remain. ALLAH has made this life a test & in this life there are trials & tribulations, do’s & don’ts, and struggles etc. Things like struggling for ALLAH, sacrificing our life & wealth for ALLAH can not be done in the Hereafter. If you want to do anything for ALLAH, do it from your remaining allotted worldly life. Now is the time! … Now!
(Note: By Intentions x (i.e. multiplied by) efforts mentioned in point 2, I mean each deed is a combination of intention behind it and effort put into it and plural of these means all lifelong intention x effort pairs. Some other Forces are also in action like Forgiveness from ALLAH, Forgiveness from the one whose right has been violated, Mercy of ALLAH, correcting the wrong done by the sin, returning to the correct, doing kaffaara for the sin (some prescribed act which completely covers up the sin) etc. Paradise 1 & Paradise 2 are not names, but just mentioned to differentiate between the 2 major categories. And ALLAH Knows the Exact Truth!

6. Freely download and watch the following videos as soon as possible:
Some Names of ALLAH (For authentic description of ALLAH’s Attributes read the Qur’an, this video is just a small introduction.)
Last Breath – Time’s Up! , The Truth of The Life of This World ( Mirror Link ) , The transitory baubles of this world and our true abode, the hereafter ,
The Secret of The Test , Never Forget ( Mirror Link ) , Time, One of ALLAH’s Great Blessings ,
Answers from the Qur’an 1 , Answers from the Qur’an 2 , Answers from the Qur’an 3 (Regularly study the Qur’an & try to understand & follow it, these are just introduction)

Note: Most of the above videos are from Harun Yahya & are useful. I only recommend his documentaries I mention on my site, & his material to refute atheism & agnosticism & his material to prove Islam scientifically. Try to avoid his material on internal Islamic issues. He is writing perverted material regarding the Mahdi & some other issues. Still, against Atheism and Agnosticism, his material is necessary.
7. Urdu Lectures:
Urdu: Realize the importance of time and leave laghw* things (laghw may be explained as anything that neither gives any benefit in the hereafter nor fulfills any legitimate worldly need. Every second is as precious as a big diamond which you either invest for the hereafter or throw away wastefully.)

Free Qur’an downloadable files
Qur’an Arabic (Uthmani Script)
Qur’an Arabic , asimiqbal2nd mirror (Subcontinent Style) asimiqbal2nd mirror (Subcontinent Style)

Qur’an Arabic , asimiqbal2nd mirror (Arabia Style)
Qur’anic Arabic (Tajweed Style) UPDATED! .
KSU electronic Qur’an Mushaf : Online browsing , Downloadable version , Android phones version .
Learn to Recite The Qur’an
Illustrated video tutorials on speaking Arabic Letters Properly . NEW!
A Word for Word Meaning of The Qur’an by Muhammad Mohar Ali : HQ and VHQ formats & images , Other formats ,

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Qur’an Arabic in flash Ebook (also check more options, book type to check 12 styles in which you can read.)
Qur’an Arabic – various downloadable styles . online data) Downloadable documents)
Qur’an Tafsir Pro for android phones .
Qur’an Translation by Pikthal , asimiqbal2nd mirror ,
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Qur’an Software with Arabic, & English Translation by Pikhtal
Qur’an Software with Arabic, & 9 English Translations & Translations in other languages ,
Qur’an Arabic with English translation by Mufti Taqi Usmani , asimiqbal2nd mirror ,
Qur’an study site ,
Qur’an Translation by Aisha Bewley , asimiqbal2nd mirror.
Tafsir al Qurtuby Volume 1 English Translation .
Tafsir al Qurtuby complete Urdu Translation and Arabic versions . NEW!
Qur’an Reciter Software with Pikthal, Shakir & Yusuf Ali translations ,
Video lectures on Translation & Explanation of the Qur’an in Urdu by Dr Israr Ahmed (The famous & widely watched Bayan-ul-Qur’an 1998) ,
Bayan-ul-Qur’an 1998 in Higher quality format, UPDATED!
Video lectures on Translation & Explanation of the Qur’an in English by Dr Israr Ahmed.
Urdu detailed Partial Dars e Qur’an videos by Dr Israr Ahmed . NEW!
Urdu detailed Partial Dars e Qur’an audios by Dr Israr Ahmed . NEW!
Qur’an Media player (from
Urdu: Tafheem ul Qur’an by Maududi.
Study 30 Arabic Tafaaseer side by side(select Tafseer, then choose kul ut Tafaaseer, Select Surah number & Ayat number and start studying the Ayat you want to research)
Tafsir Ibn e Kathir : online , download ,
In the Shade of the Qur’an by Sayyid Qutb , mirror ,
Ma’ariful Qur’an by Mufti Muhammad Shafi
Qur’an Complex ,
Tanzil Navigator ,
Open Qur’an ,
AlTafsir site ,great Tafsirs .
Qur’an Urdu resources (Also contains freely downloadable Urdu: Tafsir Ibn e Kathir, Tafheem ul Qur’an by Maududi, Ar Raheeq al Makhtoom, Sahih Bukhari & Sahih Muslim)
Tadabbur i Qur’an by Amin Ahsan Islahi
Atlas of the Qur’an , mirror ,
Qur’an software with translation, tafseer and some other features
Qur’an website ,
More Qur’an Translations: Pikthal, Daryabadi, Yusuf Ali, Asad, Muhsin Khan, Abdel Haleem and more… .
Online Qur’an and other books study tool .

Various tafaasir and related books
Urdu Tafsir of Amin Ahsan Islahi & Ghamidi side by side . NEW! Qur’an memorization tool
[The Arabic Qur’an is the Miraculous & Flawless Word of ALLAH , but translations are merely attempts to study & then present the limited understanding of the translator. Additional loss to translation occurs by removing the translator’s footnotes & explanation. Learning Classical Arabic Grammar oneself & studying the Qur’an directly is better.]

Miraculous Qur’an – Qur’an’s Inimitability, Balaghah, Language. Miracles etc…
Qur’anic Studies: Grammar & Balaghah + Literacy Aspects , asimiqbal2nd mirror ,
Arabic Gems ,,, Lectures : .
Qur’anic Collections by Abu Ezra live folder , Blog posts on Qur’an’s Linguistic Miracles .
Qur’an The Linguistic Miracle 2nd Edition , mirror .
The Inimitable Qur’an , Blog posts by Hamza Tzortzis on the Inimitable Qur’an ,
Top Scientists Confess that the Qur’an is the Word of ALLAH ,
Miracles of the Qur’an 1 , Miracles of the Qur’an 2 , Miracles of the Qur’an 3 , Miracles of the Qur’an 4 ,
Miracles of the Qur’an Books : Book 1 , Book 2 , Book 3 ,
Unchallengable Miracle , ( .
The Qur’an : The Book Free of Doubtexplanatory essays into I’jaz al Qur’an and Other Topics – by Syed Minir Wasti ,
Overwhelming scientific miracles in the Qur’an (Only see the scientific miracles & some interfaith material & try to avoid the site’s remaining content)

Mirror for all Biography documents
Ar-Raheeq al Makhtoom (The Sealed Nectar) ,
When the Moon Split , mirror ,
Seerah / Sirat by Ibn Hisham : Format 1 , Format 2 ,
[Biographies are attempts to understand and then present the Seerah, & are not perfect or flawless and some information in them may be wrong]

Free Hadith downloadable files in English
Hadith Books in Arabic + English by Darussalam : Sahih Bukhari , Sahih Muslim , Sunan an Nasai , Sunan ibn Majah , Sunan Abu Dawood , Jami’ at Tirmidhi .
Hadith site with Arabic & English & search ,
Hadith software with search facility : Bukhari, Muslim, Muwatta, & partial Abu Dawud ,
Software with some Hadith agreed upon by Bukhari & Muslim in multiple languages ,
Hadith software with Bukhari, Muslim, Muwatta & more ,
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Sahih Bukhari (alternate format), Sahih Muslim (alternate format)
Malik’s Muwatta (better English translation)
Bukhari (alternate translation)
Muqaddimah of Sahih Muslim ,
Online Hadith search : Site 1 , Site 2 (Original i.e most remaining sites copied data from it), Search Hadith on any issue e.g. dajjal.
[Not all Hadith in these collections are authentic & wording is usually not word by word & more work must be done on Hadith, specially on Matan analysis to get even better results. There is a need for improved application of scrutiny & checking, & thoroughly applying, the isnad analysis & specially the matan analysis techniques on Hadith.]

Classical Arabic Grammar Book, can be used as a text book + reference book
Mirror for this and below 2 sections ,
A comprehensive Classical Arabic Grammar book in English. Important for serious students of Classical Arabic Grammar. Always study Qur’anic & Classical Arabic Grammar for Islamic study. Modern standard Arabic is different.
High quality versions with multiple options i.e. downloading colored & black & white pdf & djvu.
A Grammar of the Arabic Language by W. Wright Volume 1 ,
A Grammar of the Arabic Language by W. Wright Volume 2 ,

Alternate high quality versions with multiple options i.e. downloading colored & black & white pdf & djvu.
A Grammar of the Arabic Language by W. Wright Volume 1 ,
A Grammar of the Arabic Language by W. Wright Volume 2 .

Note: (Wright’s Arabic Grammar portions relevant to the Qur’an being used as text book by me.)

Classical Arabic Grammar Book, can be used as a reference book
A Grammar of the Classical Arabic Grammar by Mortimer Sloper Howell : (This 7 book set is the largest Arabic Grammar book in English ever written and portions relevant to The Qur’an being used as text book by me)
Howell Arabic Grammar : Download all 7 books in all available formats including OCR 2013, Snap 2013, and Google & Microsoft formats from online folder , Google & Microsoft formats from archive , 2013 OCR and Snap formats from archive , blog post .

Dr V Abdur Rahim’s free material for learning Arabic , is answering questions also : Try to ask him questions that can help Arabic students in areas missed by Grammar books)

Unique Arabic Initiatives:
Arabic Almanac and Mawrid Reader with 20 + 2 dictionaries together .
Revive Arabic Posts .
Revive Arabic Projects .
Useful and Rare posts on The Qur’an and Arabic . UPDATED!

Basics of Classical Arabic Grammar
Mirror for this section ,
Arabic Grammar & Vocabulary PostsSelection 1 , Selection 2 ,
Arabic Tutor 1 , Arabic Tutor 2 ,
Arabic Tutor 3 , Arabic Tutor 4 ,
Arabic Grammar Easy Syntax ,
Treasures of Arabic Morphology ,
A summary of Tasreef Part 1 , A summary of Tasreef Part 2 ,
Useful Lessons in Arabic Syntax , Guidance in An-Nahw ,
An Exegesis of the Arabic Word , Arabic Nouns ,
Learn The Language of The Holy Qur’an by Dr. Abdullah Abbas Nadwi :Format 1 , Format 2 ,
Lisan ul Qur’an Part 1,2,3 and keys .
Al-ajurumiyyah English collection 5 pdfs and 3 docs .
Essentials of Arabic Grammar for learning Qur’anic language by Brig (R) Zahoor Ahmed ,
Fundamentals of Arabic Grammar ,
Tasheel al Nahw ,
Arabic Through The Qur’an by Alan Jones .
Basic vocabulary ,
A very brief journey through Arabic Grammar ,
Combined format of some lecture notes ,
101 Rules ,
Some free material on Arabic Grammar ,
Arabic Verb Conjugator ,
Lisan ul Arab forum attachments/posts , Lisan ul Arab Blog ,
Attempted application of grammar rules(Only for experienced users. Page numbers according to Adobe editable page box. Read following pages only : in reverse 247 to 219, on which gramatical analysis is attempted in pages 1 to 77. Page above 1 gives abbreviations. Then on page 1 right click mouse and choose rotate clockwise. Use with caution / additional verification.)
Various Courses & material for learning basic Arabic(No longer free, and too shallow)
Assimilation in Classical Arabic – A Phonological Study(PHD Document) .
English Explanation of Binaa al Af’aal .
A treatise concerningthe permutations of letters in the Arabic Language .
Learning Arabic Language of The Qur’anby Izzath Uroosa
Ilm Fruits site with Arabic learning posts .
Arabic Letters Research by Mansour .
An Explanation of the Matnu-l-Ajurruumiyyah in English .

Essentials of Qur’anic Arabic by Masood Ranginwala .

Arabic made easy .

Arabic Grammar & Vocabulary tools in Urdu
Mirror for most documents of this section ,
Mufradat ul Qur’an – Ar Raghib Urdu Translation, Mirror old print:Part 1 , Part 2, Mirror new print:Part 1 , Part 2 ,
Mutaradifat ul Qur’anby Abdur Rahman Kilani
Anwar ul Bayan fi Hall e Lughat ul Qur’an : Volume 1, Volume 2 , Volume 3 , Volume 4 .
Taiseer ul Qur’an Dictionary – Ata ur Rahman Saqib : Part 1 .

Basic Word by Word Qur’an translation using 3 colors of .
Some notes on ‘airab of Qur’an .
1701 pages book Qawaid Zaban e Qur’an, New handwritten edition November 2011:Part 1 , Part 2 ,
computer edition:Part 1 , Part 2, alternate formatPart 1 , Part 2 ,
(planned to be used as an important text book by me, and I also recommend this as the text book of choice for those studying Arabic Grammar in Urdu) . For requesting early online release of its English version, Those expert in inpage and online version creation can contact him to support in early release of the online version of this English version.).
Misbaah ul Ma’aani . NEW!
Mukhtaar Us Sihaah of Razi – Urdu Translation in 3 formats .
Lughaat ul Qur’an : Part1 , Part2 , Part3 , Part4 , Part5 , Part6 , Rescan uploaded in 2 PDF formats & 2 image formats .
Qamoos Alfaz ul Qur’an al Kareemby Abdullah Abbas Nadwi’s Urdu translation
Qur’an Majeed kay Adby Israar o Ramooz . NEW!
Aasaan Arbi Grammar 1 of 3 ,
Aasaan Arbi Grammar 2 of 3 ,
Aasaan Arbi Grammar 3 of 3 ,
(Note: Aasaan Arbi Grammar 1,2,3 used as Grammar text book 1 by me)
Aasaan Arbi Grammar 4as supplement on weak verbs etc.
Urdu Translation of Sharh Ibn e Aqeel :Part 1 , Part 2 ,
Brief noteson Aasan Arbi Grammar series
Qur’ani Soorton ka Nazm e Jali , New Edition .
Tuhfat un Nahreer bi sharh Nawh e Meer Part 1 ,
Qamoos ul Qur’an by Qazi Zain ul Abideen Urdu .
Qaamoos alfaaz o Istelaahaat e Qur’an by Amin Ahsan Islahi .
Arbi ka Mu’allim 4 volumes, 4 keys, 2 formats .
Masail an Nahw wal Sarf ,
Alfaz e Mutaradifa kay Darmyan Farq ,
Mukhtasar Arbi Qawaid
Misbaah ul Lughaat An Arabic Urdu Lexicon.
Al Munjid An Arabic Urdu Lexicon :Format 1 , Format 2 , Format 3 .
Al Munjid-fi-l-Lughah’s Urdu Translation .
Al Mujam al Waseet . NEW!
Tafsir Qurtuby:Volume 1 , complete Urdu translation . NEW!
Qur’an Majeed ki Lughwi Tashreeh Para 1
Al Qamoos ul Waheed Arabic Urdu Lexicon1918 pages
Lisan ul Qur’an :Volume 1 , Volume 2 , Volume 3 , Key 1 , Key 2 , Key 3 .
Mu’allim ul Insha :Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 ,
Qawaid as Sarf :Part1 , Part2 ,
Tasveer ul Qur’an .
Ilm al Zabat .
Ta’leem an Nahw .
Aasaan Grammar , New edition , Sharah Tayseer ul Qur’an .
Bunyaadi Arbi Qawaid ,
Peace TV : Aao Qur’an Samjhein ,
Asbaaq ul Nahw part 1 by Hamid-ud-Din Farahi .
More Arabic Grammar Books in Urdu . NEW!
Dars e Nizami Shuroohaat collection(download the Arabic learning books from this set)NEW!
Arbi seekhain ,
Kitaab us Sarf Jadeed ,
Arbi Graimer ,
Tasheel al Sarf ,
Tasheel al Nahw ,
Miftah ul Insha ,
Urdu : Arabic Grammar notes on few topics :part 1 , part 2 . and
Urdu Arabic Grammar course videos and 1 PDF by Amir Sohail :PDF , lectures , more 1 , more 2 .
Urdu: video lectures on Arabic Grammar(Go to multimedia, select by category, select Arabic Grammar)
Mukhtar an Nahw .

Arabic Arabic Grammar & Vocabulary tools in Arabic
Airab information for Qur’anic Words + Sarf information for selected Words .
Word by Word ‘airab information for Words in The Qur’an
, mirror .
A book on Grammar information for Qur’anic words ,

Another book on Grammar information for Qur’anic words ,
A site on ‘airaab information for Qur’an ,
Another site on ‘airaab information for Qur’an ,
Online Book on Qur’anic A’raab and Bayaan by Darwaish .
Qur’an research site in Arabic 1 ,
Qur’an research site in Arabic 2 ,
Qur’an research site in Arabic 3 , .
Qur’an research site in Arabic 4 .
Study any Qur’anic Ayat in detail in multiple Arabic Tafaaseer . NEW!’anic studies books with online viewing & download option, the format of pdfs is such that you can easily search words. click ctrl+f, search box will appear in pdf, use arabic typing tool to type the word, paste it in pdf search box and search. Search without harkaat to find more results) (search roots & words in Lisaan ul Arab, Maqaayees al Lughat, Qaamoos ul Muheet, As Sihaah fi Lughat, Al’ubaab uz Zaakhir)
alWaraq online research site

Tafsir e Qurtuby :Format 1 , Format 2 .
Al Muzhir by Suyooty(Encyclopedic in the coverage of Arabic Language and its branches)
Tafsir al Baydawi ,
Taaj ul ‘Uroos ,
Mufradat Ar Raghib ,
Lisaan ul ‘Arab , mirror .
Asaas ul Balaaghah by Zamakhshari .
Al Mufassal of Zamakhshari – Commentary by Ibn Ya’eesh in Arabic:Format 1 , source , Format 2:Part 1 , Part 2 , introduction in German .
Kitaab Sibawayh ,.
Al Muhkam wal Muheet ul A’zam NEW!Format 1 (Complete) , Format 2 (study various combinations of a set of Arabic Root Letters together)
Ad Durr ul Masoon fi Uloom il Kitaab e Maknoon , source . NEW!
Mu’jam al Mufahras ,
Nahw al Wadih ,
Darayatul Nahw ,
islam portresearch tool .
Mu’jam al jumoo’ fi llughat al ‘Arabiya .
al Mu’jam al mufassal fil Jumoo’ .
Arabic learning material in Arabic .
Online Arabic Typing Tool
qutrub arabic verb conjugator .
BabelPad(unicode text editor for windows) .
Arabic Books on archive uploaded by djamel(Only download books on Arabic language and Qur’an)
2 year Madinah Arabic program .

Concordance of the Qur’an
According to some researchers there may be less than 2000 unique roots used in the Qur’an. Using the Qur’an to explain the Qur’an is the 1st way of Tafsir & for that concordance tools can be useful.
Idea: Studying a root with all its derivatives used in the Qur’an, and patterns of a root with similar patterns used in the Qur’an, e.g. for root ba ray hay, studying all derivatives of it found in the Qur’an and then for its important patterns e.g. Burhaan, studying other similar weights like Furqaan, Subhaan, Sultaan, Ghufraan etc.
Mirror for concordance of the Qur’an documents . UPDATED!
Note: You must download below PDFs instead of opening in browser so that when you click links, your pdf remains open. If you open pdf online, on clicking any link the pdf will be replaced by webpage of clicked link.
Blog Post on Concordance of The Qur’an . UPDATED!
Pattern Wise Concordance of the Qur’an . NEW!
Root Wise Concordance of the Qur’an . NEW!
Letter Wise Concordance of The Qur’an . NEW!
Corrections for Corpus .

Vocabulary and Root wise concordance of the Qur’an & Some Reference Classical Arabic Vocabulary Material
(Read Notes below before using this material)
Lane’s Arabic-English Lexicon : on Archive in multiple formats , PDF files , DJVU files , Online Studying, LL with English search , single searchable .txt file, with Arabic Almanac . (along with many other dictionaries) , Search after pasting roots without spaces .
Qur’anic Arabic Corpus ,
Arabic English Dictionary of Qur’anic Usage Badawi and Abdul Haleem (complete book)
Vocabulary of the Holy Qur’an by Dr. Abdullah Abbas Nadwi
4 Basic Qur’anic Terms : Original in Urdu , mirror , English translation , mirror ,
Qur’an Synonyms– English Translation of Mutaraadifaat ul Qur’an by Kilani by volunteers
PRL (Project Root List) ,
Dictionary of the Qur’an by Qadiani (Non-Muslim)
Dictionary of about 1400+ roots from Qur’an by Qadianis (Non-Muslims)
A Dictionary and Glossary of The Qur’an by John Penrice .
The Easy Dictionary of The Qur’an by Abdul Karim Parekh .
Concordance of the Qur’an.
Qur’anic Keywords a Reference Guideby Abdur Rashid Siddiqui
faithfuleye ,
linguistic miracle , words in various books, mostly Arabic)
Qur’an dev research tool , roots tool (Does not work on internet explorer)
Open Burhan ,
Translations comparison ,
Arabic Urdu Lughat ,
Mazhar A Nurani’s Site ,
Classical Arabic to English Dictionary by Hava (very shallow in meanings)
Dictionary of Qur’anic Terms and Concepts by Mustansir Mir .
The student’s Arabic English Dictionary by Steingass .
Ethico Religious Concepts in The Qur’an by Toshihiko Izutsu .

Glossary of Islamic Terms by Aisha Bewley .
5 volume Tafsir by Qadiani (Non-Muslim) :Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5 (use with caution and additional verification, mainly linked because the notes on words given as important words contain some useful material)
Appendix : Due to 3 books in this section by Qadianis, you must also visit Detailed refutation of Qadianis , More books on refutation of Qadianis .

Notes: Lane’s Lexicon can be used, & is a recognized Arabic Vocabulary tool, but for roots starting with qaaf, kaaf, laam, miim, nuun, hay, waw & ya, explanation & material on roots is usually not complete since Lane died while working on qaaf, & later his nephew completed the work mostly using Lane’s notes. LL Mobile can also be used on computers by simply reducing browser width. Lane’s Lexicon with English search has some typing errors in Arabic but still can be used “To copy paste the text from the lexicon (after which you will have to verify the Arabic words using any other free scanned Lane’s Lexicon relevant material)” and “To search English words”. To start navigating it, click the blue arrow on the left of Edward William Lane. Qur’anic Arabic Corpus can be a useful tool but is under construction & Kais is taking his time, so use with additional verification & caution. PRL can be used for quickly studying or downloading Lane’s Lexicon relevant pages for roots used in the Qur’an & for checking which derivatives of a root have been used in which Ayaat, but it is stuck near 70% since long time. Avoid the English meanings of PRL completely if you aren’t experienced. from which Lane’s Lexicon 1st 2 links & PRL are linked is run by a Sunnah rejecter, so try to avoid his remaining material if you don’t have sufficient experience. In Dictionary of The Qur’an, negative bias is expected in some meanings like khatama, wafa etc. I mainly recommend using the list of roots used in the Qur’an & derived words for each root used in the Qur’an from this book but study the English material with caution since source referencing style is vague & he is a Qadiani. Dictionary of about 1400+ roots is a vocabulary specific dictionary (focusing on vocabulary & usage, not grammar) that can be used by experienced users with caution since qadiani bias is expected at some places. Concordance of the Qur’an by Hanna uses Arberry’s translation & is a limited concordance book that can be checked just to see a preview of concordance uses. Open Burhan is an online concordance tool by a Sunnah rejecter & is not complete yet, so use with caution. Translations comparison tool is only for those who understand sufficient Arabic & just want to check out how others have translated various Ayaat to help them further in their translation attempts, some of the translations given in it are by deviant groups. To use faithfuleye, click A C E at the top for showing/hiding Arabic, Chinese, English. On 2 boxes with go, enter surah # in 1st box and Ayat # in 2nd box & click go, then click Arabic word you want to study in further detail, then check various occurrences & other derivatives of root. For experienced users only as may contain some mistakes, to be used with caution/additional verification. Arabic Urdu Lughat is by Sunnah Rejector who sometimes gives baseless interpretations based on his whims & desires, while sometimes quotes multiple classical lexicons, so only experienced users can use with caution as clear bias is there in some roots. Mazhar A Nurani’s site has some grammar notes that experienced users may study. Some views by him are unacceptable e.g. he rejects return of Hazrat ‘Eesa (pbuh) despite obvious hints in the Qur’an & his translation attempts contain extra words. Qur’an dev tool appears to be based on corpus site and thus limitations of corpus site, may appear in it also.

Some Ideas and Works on Context Usage for study of Qur’an
Verbal Idioms of the Qur’an ,
Coherence in the Qur’an .
(Above 2 books are to be used with caution since author sometimes uses baseless comments e.g. deceptively simple, linguistic problems (i.e. if he can’t understand something in Qur’an, it means his skill problem not a problem or complexity in Qur’an) and sometimes criticizes other methods via unjustified sweeping statements e.g. using word atomistic.)

Tadabbur e Qur’an
Root Lists(Selected roots from the Qur’an on which detailed study recommended) Recently 4 priorities also assigned to root list 1 with 318 roots

Dante's inferno pc release date. But while the PlayStation 3 version received “generally favorable reviews”, the Xbox 360 and PlayStation Portable versions received more “average” reviews. Most critics also prided the game in terms of art and graphics since the game was made at the far end of 2009. Some stated that the game was a bit too monotonous and repetitive in the latter part of the game. Dante’s delve into the bowels of hell is claimed to be a thrilling adventure for its players, from the gothic art style and quest to the disfigured demons and blood-splattering combat in the underworld, some players reported it was worth the experience. Generally, most critics tailored their bad review to the fact that the game resembled the Sony’s famous God of War series, and although this was more of where the negative energy was rising from, critics also mentioned a few other flaws.

Selected Arabic Learning books from
Selected books from .

Modern Standard Arabic
A Reference Grammar of Modern Standard Arabic(Karin C. Ryding)
Arabic English Dictionary:The Hans Wehr Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic 4th edition .
A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic by Hans Wehr 3rd edition :Format 1 , Format 2 , for mobile phones .

Necessity of Islamic Politico-Socio-Economic System (Khilafat / Caliphate) & current rulers
Necessity of Islamic Politico-Socio-Economic System (Khilafat)IWO pdf , IWO mirror ,
The Present Rulers & Islam , mirror ,
Arabic : Al Jihad wal Qital fi as siyasa ash shar’iyyaby Dr. Muhammad Khayr Haykal (The 3 volume book includes a detailed discussion of the proposed methodologies in order to re-establish the Islamic state & evaluates them according to the Islamic evidences)
Man Made Laws vs Shariah ,
Urdu lecture:Sahih Khaleefah aur Ghaasib Hukamraan kay khilaaf khurooj ka hukm(A lecture exposing misuse of Hadiths regarding rightful Khaleefas by some scholars to defend wrong rulers by discouraging struggle to replace them. He quotes opinions of Imam Abu Hanifa & Imam Malik & examples of Sahaaba to refute this misconception of not struggling to replace such rulers. (When control of country is in corrupt rulers’ hands like the steering of a car, they will take it the wrong way & to the wrong place, regardless of the other rightful persons in the car, unless they strive to replace the driver.))

Sunnah Importance
Necessity to Obey & Follow Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) :pdf , mirror .

Science of Hadith :
Arabic: Al Kifayah fi ‘ilm al Riwayah by khatib al Baghdadi , mirror ,
Studies in Early Hadith Literature by M. M. Azami .
Chosen Thoughts on the Nomenclature of Hadith Specialists by Ibn Hajar , asimiqbal2nd mirror ,
Nukhbat-al-Fikr of Ibn Hajar , asimiqbal2nd mirror ,
Ibn-as-Salah – Introduction to the Science of Hadith , Mirror ,
Notes on The Science of Hadith , asimiqbal2nd mirror ,
An Introduction to the Science of Hadith Classification by Suhaib Hassan , asimiqbal2nd mirror ,
The Canonization of al Bukhari and Muslim by Jonathan Brown
A Textbook of Hadith studies by Hashim Kamali , mirror ,
On Schacht’s Origins of Muhammadan Jurisprudence By M.M Azami .
Studies in Hadith Literature & Methodology , asimiqbal2nd mirror , format 2 .
Isnad & its significance by M. M Azami , asimiqbal2nd mirror ,
The Sciences & Critique of Hadith by Muhammad Zubayr Siddiqi , asimiqbal2nd mirror ,
Hadith – A subject of keen interest , by Muhammad Zubayr Siddiqi , asimiqbal2nd mirror ,
Hadith Literature (1of2) : its origins, development & special features , asimiqbal2nd mirror ,
Hadith Literature (2of2) : its origins, development & special features , asimiqbal2nd mirror ,
The Science of Rijaal as a method in The Study of Hadiths by Iftikhar Zaman , asimiqbal2nd mirror ,
More Notes on The Science of Hadith , asimiqbal2nd mirror ,
Usool al-Hadith by Dr Bilal Philips , asimiqbal2nd mirror ,
Jonathan Brown Publications & Critical Reviews , More publications by him

Necessity to do more Matan & critical analysis on Hadith :
Arabic: Maqayis Naqd Mutun as Sunnah by Misfir Ad Dumayni (the 565 pages book is the largest book on Hadith Matan analysis) , mirror1 , mirror2 ,
Ideas on Hadith Matan (Matn) Analysis & related issues extracted from some books , asimiqbal2nd mirror ,
4 myths about Hadith , asimiqbal2nd mirror ,
A Matan Analysis technique : Gathering related Ahadith together , asimiqbal2nd mirror ,
Some Ideas from Ahmed Shafaat , asimiqbal2nd mirror ,
Accepting a Hadith from a single narrator , asimiqbal2nd mirror ,
A Study of Ahadith about the determination of Islamic dates , asimiqbal2nd mirror ,
Not all Hadith in Bukhari & Muslim are authentic , asimiqbal2nd mirror ,
Some Contradictions in Bukhari & Muslim presented to convince scholars & make masses aware that more work must be done on Hadith , asimiqbal2nd mirror ,
Research for the age of Hazrat Ayesha (Radi ALLAHu ‘Anha) : Original in Urdu , mirror , Translation in English , mirror ,
The Authentication of Hadith: Redefining Criteria brief article by Israr Ahmad Khan
The Qur’an as a criterion for Hadith Text Examination by Israr Ahmad Khan
Authentication of Hadith Redefining the Criteria by Israr Ahmad Khan preview of the book containing 141 pdf pages, details of availability on 1st page of pdf, complete book not yet available for free download mirror for above 3 documents .

The concept of Sunnah via Amal is not something new, rather older than the use of Ahad Hadith as Sunnah :
Notes: Ahad Hadith OR Isolated Hadith is one which is not a mutawatir hadith & a mutawatir Hadith is Hadith that is narrated by such a large number of people that it is impossible that they have invented a lie, & Hadith that can really be called truly Mutawatir are very few as compared to Ahad Hadith, so most Hadith are actually Ahad Hadith. Of the 4 Sunni fiqh Imams, Imam Abu Hanifa (702-767 CE) & Imam Malik’s (717-801 CE) stance towards Ahad/Isolated Hadith was different from Imam Shafi (769-820 CE) & Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (778-855 CE).
Malik’s Concept of Amal in the light of Maliki Legal Theory Dr. Umar Faruq (1978 PHD Dissertation) :
P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 . Mirror : P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 .
3 Brief selections from above dissertation.
Imam Abu Hanifa’s Restrictions upon Isolated Hadith , asimiqbal2nd mirror ,
Isolated Hadith , asimiqbal2nd mirror ,
Umum al-balwa , asimiqbal2nd mirror ,
Malik’s letter to Layth & Layth’s letter to Malik , mirror .

Other Sunnah and Hadith Related books
Other Sunnah and Hadith Related books (include: Fundamentals of Hadith Interpretation English Translation of Amin Ahsan Islahi’s Book, Hadith and Sunnah Ideals and Realities, The Evolution of a Hadith PHD document by Iftikhar Zaman)

Sunnah Sources (Draft 0.5) :
Notes: (Just an attempt, & I accept this must need further improvement & correction, but we should atleast try our best honestly in an unbiased way.)
1. Qur’an Criterion : Sunnah for which foundation, reference, order, hint is found in the Qur’an & which is within the scope of a general order of the Qur’an & is compatible with the Qur’an & has nothing contradictory with the Qur’an. The Qur’an which has been perfectly preserved & protected by ALLAH has the solutions.
2. Amal Standard : Sunnah which is actually practiced, established & is transmitted via practical adherence of a sizeable population of religious Muslims & is found in practice in major Muslim territories & is compatible with the Qur’an & has nothing contradictory with the Qur’an. Amal that is similar to a practical action common with Bible or a way of acting of Jews, Christians, or Arabs of pre-Islamic times, requires strict verification. Similarly, Amal found in a specific region only, or not found in some major Muslim territories & claimed to be Sunnah requires strict verification. Amal common with the amal of other religious communities today must be investigated & rejected if its basis is not found in Islam. Amal that is established & proven to have been followed in early Islamic Caliphate but suspended today just because of corrupt leadership since this kind of Amal can be implemented from a position of authority & cannot be done by individuals or masses without authority, must be studied to get closest to the actual practice & must be implemented again. Amal that is proven not to have been followed during early Islamic Caliphate, whether personal amal or community amal, but having been started somewhere in history at a later period, should be suspended or not presented as an Islamic amal but may be tolerated if it is something not forbidden in Islam.
3. Hadith Standard : All Hadith must be compatible with the Qur’an & must have nothing contradictory with the Qur’an & must meet all Matan Analysis & Isnad Analysis standards. Levels of strength include : Mutawaatir in word, Mutawatir in meaning, Actually practiced by a sizeable population of Muslims, Legal Hadith, practicable Hadith… etc. Hadith that is similar to something mentioned in Bible or some other religious scripture require strict verification. We must focus on legal Hadith 1st. Gathering all related Hadith together, trying to find out the context or situation in which the Hadith is reported to have been said, what is the scope & range of Hadith, was it just for a specific person/persons for a specific time or was it meant to be a regulatory Hadith to be followed in all times to come regardless of circumstances in their time, & what is the actual action of a sizeable population of Muslims regarding the Hadith, how many people actually followed the Hadith through the ages i.e. was the Hadith backed by parallel & continuous amal or not. Hadith on some issues like virtues of personalities, places or against certain personalities should not be enforced on other sects as this is a major area where Hadith fabrication also took place. Then Matan analysis techniques should be applied seriously on all Hadith, because isnad of a Hadith too could have been fabricated or changed.

*Trying to understand & follow the Sunnah with the acceptance that we may be needing further improvement or correction & that a claimed Sunnah may even be non-regulatory or even unauthentic is what we can & should do, without claiming to be following the exact Sunnah or claiming any sect’s stance on Sunnah is perfect, & with further effort & unbiased research, we can get closer & closer to Sunnah. Minor or small differences in performing Sunnah should be tolerated, but if there is a decisive evidence in favor of 1 way or if some group performs a Sunnah or a part of that Sunnah in a way that violates basic principles of the Qur’an, it should be convinced in a friendly manner to the better method. More work must be done on Amal, more work must be done on Hadith. Life is a test for us too, so test is more interesting & challenging, & with more challenges come more opportunities to strive for a higher rank in the hereafter. Will you choose the wrong way to simply join any sect, or will you choose the proper way of not asserting other than the truth & be a truth seeker?

Practical and Realistic Initial Steps towards Muslim Unity
Urdu Lecture: Firqay kyun bantay hain (Why and how sects are formed)
English supplement : Muslim Unity Selection 1 – Why and how sects are formed , mirror .

Law & Jurisprudence (a preview of work done by classic scholars, more work should be done on it too to get better results)
Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence , (2nd edition) by Muhammad Hasim Kamali , asimiqbal2nd mirror ,
The Distinguished Jurist’s Primer .

Islamic Currency & Finance , asimiqbal2nd mirror ,
Islamic Dirham & Dinar , asimiqbal2nd mirror ,
A Fatwa on Banking , asimiqbal2nd mirror ,

Miscellaneous Islamic Issues
Moonsighting (Useful site for any moonsighting method you follow)

Other Downloader Sites:
Arabic Learning Books downloader site (Warning: Contains Modern Arabic documents also) . .
Arabic Books: . . .

Islamic Media
Islam Box .
Watch Peace TV UK, USA & Urdu live directly via internet. NEW!

Research for establishment of Islam
Major Research area in the establishment of Islam worldwide is Sunnah. No disagreement on the Qur’an, so next important thing is Sunnah, & uniting Muslims on established Sunnah & solving & explaining solutions to Sunnah related issues that divide, so that strong Muslim unity & Khilafat based on strong foundation is established. This working in an unbiased way is very important so that when the time for establishment of Khilafat comes, it is established smoothly & the sources i.e. The Qur’an & The Sunnah are well defended & spread intellectually.

Struggle for establishment of Islam
Their opinion regarding how to implement Khilafat needs further improvement in the light of above mentioned more important point
2 major organizations working for establishment of Khilafat , in addition to some personal efforts & other organizations : &, also gives Dr Israr Ahmed’s useful material on the issues along with (AI2 comments: I have not joined any but support both, & my major suggestion to both is to run an open public Khilafat campaign without the label of the organizations & work together, since the goal is same i.e. establishment of Khilafat. )

Early History of Khilafat & Malookiat & importance of Khilafat and Muslim Unity
1. Background of replacement of Khilafat by malookiat, and some Muslims’ battles and sacrifices to save Khilafat.
11 lectures – khilafat and karbala (Punjabi/Urdu)
Mr. Ishaq’s lectures on youtube (Punjabi/Urdu) (watch his lectures on Muslim Unity, Khilafat etc.) (Mr Ishaq official site)

Motivational Poetry of Iqbal in Urdu
Poetry by Iqbal , If link changes, navigate via,
Complete Kuliyat-e-Iqbal , asimiqbal2nd mirror .

Documentary Movies
Perished Nations 1 , Perished Nations 2 ,
Shadows in Motion – Exposing foundations of the NWO , mirror .

Interfaith Issues
A Brief discussion on Interfaith issues: Atheism/Agnosticism, Christianity & Hinduism ,mirror .

Finality of Prophethood
Those who deny that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the last Messenger & last Prophet and believe that a new prophet or messenger can come after him are out of Islam & so their discussions in interfaith issues.
Irshad website , Finality of Prophethood .
The Seal of Prophethood by Syed Anwer Ali . , . .
Finality of Prophethood books .

Atheism & Agnosticism use his material against Atheism & agnosticism & on proving Islam scientifically, but avoid most of his material on internal Islamic issues. Read Motivation section for more.
Hamza Tzortzis ,,
Unlocking the Mystery of Life ,
The Privileged Planet .
Blasting The Foundations of Atheism Volume 1 – 2nd edition .

Christianity & Judaism
Sheikh Ahmed Deedat :Videos & Books , official site with books & links , More Books ,
Dr Mauris :The Bible, The Qur’an & Science , mirror ,
Kais al-Kalby :Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), the Last Messenger in the Bible , mirror(from:
Bilal Philips :Dawah Training , mirror , True message of ‘Eesa (pbuh) , mirror ,
Sheikh Yusuf Estes:Site ,
Dr Sahib Mustaqim:Books .

Hinduism a Mythology, not a religion
Mirror for all below documents ,
The End of Hinduism Draft 0.3(Under construction)
Some of the many severe scientific errors in Hindu Scriptures ,
Myth of One Hindu Religion Exploded !
Oh you Hindu… AWAKE !
Genocide of women in Hinduism !
The Hindutva Offensive !
Myth of United India !
Hindu Facists’ violence against Christians, Muslims, Sikhs & Minorities in India !

Free Muslim Prisoners .
Who will stand up for Muslim prisoners? ,
Information Clearing House ,
Surrendering Islam (The subversion of Muslim politics throughout history until the present day)
Politics articles ,
Indian hand in Pakistan floods confirmed & hydro war ,
The big game & World War 3 (former ISI chief, General Hamid Gul)
HAARP – America’s Secret Weapon ,
Zaid Hamid : Site 1 , Site 2 (Note: I am linking his sites due to the positive & aggressive analysis of Zaid Hamid, which is important in these times. Some scholars have also criticised the person of Zaid Hamid for his past contact with Yusuf Kazzab and his refusal to openly call Yusuf Kazzab & all his followers out of Islam. Yusuf Kazzab method is incarnate theory attack in which the false claimant claims to be a reappearance of the Prophet (peace be upon him), thus throws himself and his followers who believe his claim out of Islam.)
Usage of Haraam pig in various products : Site , video direct (containing entire book as video, download in HD using any youtube & streaming sites video downloader tool e.g. Serious action and alternate pig free products required.)

Condolence to Muslims in pain worldwide:
No Khawf (fear, future related worry), No Huzn (sorrow, grief, past related worry), be at peace. Try your best, do all you can & pray to ALLAH and trust ALLAH. Show steadfastness & trust in ALLAH in your trials & sincerely hope for a good reward for this steadfastness. Don’t lose hope, the struggle is hard in these tough times & times of confusion, but you can expect a bigger reward struggling in tough times, trying all your best and then showing steadfastness in the face of what ALLAH ordains & allows to happen. Strength & popularity have to be built but those scholars & people who already have popularity must make serious moves to help Muslims & mobilize Muslim masses effectively to solve problems & masses should support the right persons.

Message to Volunteers

5 Lions are still better than 500 Sheep. Independent thinking volunteers brave enough to stick with the truth & declare the truth for ALLAH, even if the whole world criticizes them. I am looking for the fearless lions, who do not hesitate to declare the truth, & face courageously the genuine issues that must be solved to unite Muslims once & for all, and to establish ALLAH’s Perfect System of Life, Islam practically…!

Truth has to be declared, assumptions have to be attacked if these are wrong, lies and deliberate cover ups must be exposed to destroy the monopoly of some sectarian scholars who deliberately hide facts from masses to defend & promote their sects. Let the evidences speak for themselves. Truth is good enough, it doesn’t have to be covered up or twisted or mixed with falsehood.

Feel free to criticize & correct me if I am wrong on some issue as I am just a human being trying to serve ALLAH’s System of Life Islam & I may be wrong on some issues, on some issues I may need improvement, on some issues, I may need correction.
Some of my documents are meant to encourage more research, otherwise I won’t have published them like this. I am looking for volunteers who are capable of independently doing & spreading the unbiased research without me.
1. Those maintaining backup of all the documents offered here should contact me at asimiqbal2nd @, so that I can discuss how to launch multiple backup versions of this site if for some reason I am unable to continue. The main aim of presenting the documents is to spread them aggressively via upload on multiple sites.
2. Volunteers should keep promoting & spreading this site asim iqbal 2nd islamic downloads as much as possible.
3. Volunteers can send me more useful data.
4. Increase the number of visitors to Asim Iqbal 2nd Islamic Downloads by telling as many people as possible to visit Asim Iqbal 2nd Islamic Downloads

Copyright claims: Copyright claims are valid for original works only, & not on works using other material to produce their works without the permission of the one whose book or work has been used to produce the derived work e.g. Qur’an is meant for all mankind & jinn, but if some one makes use of this Qur’an to produce some book, then he has no legal right to claim copyright on it without the permission of ALLAH to do so. Similarly, Arabic Grammar, Arabic Vocabulary, & Sunnah etc. related works are all using material of people of past times without their permissions to do so. Moral right is there & demands to give reference to the person who compiled the work & publisher, & not to make money from his work etc. Compilers have a right to take cost of printed copies, but have no right to deny free download option despite proper reference or demand any price for download option. In proper Islamic works, nothing is created out of thin air, so nothing being compiled today is original work and so can’t be copyrighted but can be moral-righted. See also copyright issue .

Slave of ALLAH,
Asim Iqbal 2nd

My Signature:

ALLAH is Absolutely Perfect. All kinds of Glory, Praises and Thanks are exclusively for ALLAH Almighty, All-Wise alone, The Lord, The Creator, The Cherisher and the Sustainer of all the creation. It is only due to HIS Guidance, Mercy and Blessings that I am trying to be on the straight path. No credit is mine at all.

Every man dies, not every man really tries to live like Muhammad (ALLAH’s Mercy, Blessings and peace be upon him)

I am thankful to ALLAH Almighty All-Wise for giving me the honour of trying to serve HIS perfect system of life Islam.

If you like what I am doing:

Pray for ALLAH’s Forgiveness , Mercy and the Highest Levels of Paradise for my father who left this world on 18th April 2006.
