Dai Vernon Book Of Magic Pdf Free Rating: 8,7/10 7113 votes
Posted by3 years ago

Here is the direct link to The Dai Vernon Book of Magic. Then you can convert it to PDF by 'printing it' using a free PDF tool called pdf Creator available from. And Dai Vernon. While scores of books have been written about Houdini, David Ben has spent the past five years prepar-ing the first detailed biography of Dai Vernon. What follows is a thumbnail sketch of Vernon’s remarkable life, legacy, and con-tribution to the art of magic. BY DAVID BEN. Scene: Ottawa Year: 1899 David Frederick Wingfield. There is no doubt that publication Revelation By Dai Vernon From Murphy's Magic will certainly consistently make you inspirations. Even this is just a book.

Magic In The Public Domain

I am a hobby/amature magician and I am looking for anything magic related from before 1922 such as books posters playbills and such if anyone knows any website that achives a lot of magic related things like those listed that are in the public domain or not could you post a link please. I will also link any that i find for those that are interested in the history of magic thanks.

https://archive.org/details/folkscanomy_magic?&sort=-downloads&page=1 - Some of the stuff on here isn't in the public domain so please do check. Depending on what you type in the search bar you might get more.

http://digitalcollections.nypl.org/ - can find some on here again depending on what you search for.

EDIT Microsoft office xp professional with publisher version 2002 download.

Thought i would do a little up date for the sites i found plus i will copy and paste all the sites that have been linked by others into the main post and put credit for who linked them just for easy access.


New sites i found.

Silverfast 8 download. Until end of October, each package also contains a free Fuji Target (complying international IT8 standards, worth 59.90 Euro). Printer Calibration is available for only 149.00 Euro. The full SilverFast SE Plus edition incl. Requirements for SilverFast's Printer Calibration • SilverFast 8.5 (SE Plus, Ai Studio, Archive Suite) for • a supported flatbed scanner • ReflectiveIT8 Target for Scanner Calibration (included with SE Plus offer) • Inkjet Printer with disengageable Color Management * When purchasing SilverFast SE Plus 8.5 with Printer Calibration within the promotional period you will receive a high-quality 5x7' reflective Fuji IT8 target for free (RRP 59.90).

http://www.magicforall.com/free_magic_books.html/ I think everything here is public domain but be careful.

https://www.fourmilab.ch/etexts/www/herrmann/book_of_magic/ Comes with a warning so please read.

http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/lesson_images/lesson1085/PDSources.html Some of these are useful as well.

http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/index.html Depends on what you type.

https://ucomm.wsu.edu/public-domain-resources/ Again some are useful.

Posted by others

https://www.loc.gov/search/?q=magicians&st=gallery - Gregantic origin poster


http://conjuringarts.org/ WinterNight origin poster

http://publicdomainreview.org/search/magic dustreplacement origin poster

http://www.learnmagictricks.org/ebook/expertatthecardtable-LMT.pdfhttp://lcweb2.loc.gov/cgi-bin/ampage?collId=rbc3&fileName=rbc0001_2010houd11604page.db&recNum=4 Screenguardguy origin poster +


Dai Vernon Book Of Magic Pdf Free

http://www.themagicdetective.com/ Katenab origin poster previous 4 links El maestro de maestros augusto cury pdf.

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I dug 5,000 postholes, but I have only
2444 Posts

http://www.lybrary.com ---Go get it!
--Gran'pa Chet
Loyal user
222 Posts

for $10 more you can buy the REAL book. One of the best books of magic ever produced.
Isn't there an ethics issue here. L & L currently publish the book and presumably they acquired the rights.
Regardless, my experience (and others) is that you don't properly read large e-books like Tarbell, Hofmann, Jinx etc.
Anyone seriously into magic should have this book on their shelf not in some seldom looked at computer file.
Inner circle
2202 Posts

If Chris is putting this out.I'm sure he went through the right channels to do this ethically correct.
Mike King - Sho-Me Magic
You can e-mail me at: shomemagic@gmail.com
Inner circle
1072 Posts

I purchased the world-wide exclusive electronic rights to this book. I have as much right to publish this ebook as L&L has the right to reprint it. Yes, I agree this is probably the single best book on close-up magic. That is why I purchased the rights for a significant amount of money. Time will tell if I made a wise investment.
There are two main reasons I made this investment. One, it is Lybrary.com's mission to provide the best possible contents available, and second Dai Vernon has meant so much for my own development in magic that I wanted to pay tribute to him by preserving his material for eternity in digital form.
Here is the direct link to The Dai Vernon Book of Magic, written by Lewis Ganson and originally published by Harry Stanley: http://www.lybrary.com/vernon-book-magic-p-304.html
Cameron Francis
6884 Posts

What makes the electronic version any less of a real book? The words are the same. It is simply presented in a different format. And what is properly reading a book? I doubt anyone reads a magic book the same way, hard bound or not: some skip around, some read cover to cover. I've done both.
I personally plan on purchasing the ebook for lybrary.com. Chris has provided the magic community with an incredible resource. A lot of books on his site are hard to find in hard copy form. I think Chris deserves a lot of respect for his ambitious endeavor.
TRI-EFFECTA: Three Close Up Card Miracles now available! http://cameronfrancismagic.com/tri-effecta.html
Veteran user
Phoenix, Az
381 Posts

Mr. Jorden,
As you now know, lybrary.com has the electronic rights to the book. No ethics issues at all.
You mention for an additional $10 USD, one could obtain the ‘real’ book. They are both ‘real’, just delivered to the reader via different types of media.
I believe you when you say that you (and perhaps others) are unable to ‘properly’ read large ebooks. However, demographics are changing and there is a growing audience receptive to learning ‘online’. As with anything, there isn’t a one-size fits all answer here.
Online learning may not be the best choice in many circumstances, however in some situations it’s just as viable as learning from a hardcopy source, quicker to obtain, less expensive and often a better choice ecologically.
Your final statement about computer files that are seldom looked at, again may apply to some, but I bet we all would be surprised to discover how many download and use their ebooks on a regular basis.
Also, having been hit by three hurricanes in the last 18 months, I feel better knowing that some of my magic literature is safely stored on a CD and only the most devastating of natural disasters would destroy that information.
That being said, I treasure my copy of Strange Ceremonies as it’s signed by Eugene Burger and sits proudly on my shelf.
Tony Tuccillo
Sebastian, Florida
Cameron Francis
6884 Posts

TRI-EFFECTA: Three Close Up Card Miracles now available! http://cameronfrancismagic.com/tri-effecta.html
Loyal user
222 Posts

Wow - that started some juices flowing.
Each to his own.
Perhaps we will see all the old Harry Stanley publication put out as e-books - Tribute to Leipzig, Malini & His Magic, Magic of Slydini etc.
and just for the record Tony I treasure my first edition of the Vernon Book signed by the Professor. You can't get personally signed e-books!
Inner circle
1072 Posts

Perhaps we will see all the old Harry Stanley publication put out as e-books - Tribute to Leipzig, Malini & His Magic, Magic of Slydini etc.

'Magic of Slydini' will come soon. I am still looking for a good Harry Stanley edition to do the conversion from. If anybody has one for sale, let me know. The other Harry Stanley publications are in the realm of possibilities, but it will largely depend on how successful the Vernon and Slydini ebooks are. Therefore, if you want to see more of these kinds of ebooks, then please support my digitization efforts, purchase the Vernon and later the Slydini ebooks and spread the word to your friends and colleagues.
Wouldn't it be great to have all these wonderful classics available as searchable and affordable ebooks? Somebody mentioned before 'the ebook is JUST $10 cheaper' (my emphasis). For some $10 is a huge difference. $10 can pay for another trick or booklet. And taken over say the complete Harry Stanley set of books we are talking hundreds of dollars savings.
Anyway, a big thank you to all the ones who understand what I am trying to do and who show their support in many different ways and on many different levels. In the end I do this for magic and for the preservation of magic knowledge.
Inner circle
I dug 5,000 postholes, but I have only
2444 Posts

On 2006-03-02 12:08, Chris wrote:
Somebody mentioned before 'the ebook is JUST $10 cheaper' (my emphasis).

That person did not finsih the sentence, Chris. What I think he meant to say was 'the e-book is JUST $20 cheaper -- and searchable, AND downloadable to my PDA.'
--Gran'pa Chet (Who loves taking 200+ books on the road with him.)
Reuben Dunn
Inner circle
Has a purple ribbon wraped around my
1592 Posts

[quote]On 2006-03-02 12:08, Chris wrote:

'Magic of Slydini' will come soon. I am still looking for a good Harry Stanley edition to do the conversion from. If anybody has one for sale, let me know. The other Harry Stanley publications are in the realm of possibilities, but it will largely depend on how successful the Vernon and Slydini ebooks are. Therefore, if you want to see more of these kinds of ebooks, then please support my digitization efforts, purchase the Vernon and later the Slydini ebooks and spread the word to your friends and colleagues.
Wouldn't it be great to have all these wonderful classics available as searchable and affordable ebooks? Somebody mentioned before 'the ebook is JUST $10 cheaper' (my emphasis). For some $10 is a huge difference. $10 can pay for another trick or booklet. And taken over say the complete Harry Stanley set of books we are talking hundreds of dollars savings.
Anyway, a big thank you to all the ones who understand what I am trying to do and who show their support in many different ways and on many different levels. In the end I do this for magic and for the preservation of magic knowledge.

Any prospect of putting the books out in Adobe PDF format?
It's been a while since I've bought anything from you, but at the time the format was non pdf.
Have you change this?
Elite user
413 Posts

If you have any text in electronic format that is printable, then you can convert it to PDF by 'printing it' using a free PDF tool called pdf Creator available from http://pdfcreator.sourceforge.net if you have a MS Windows operating system, I have run it on Windows 2003 Server, Windows 2000, and Windows XP.
The Doctor
Inner circle
1072 Posts

Any prospect of putting the books out in Adobe PDF format?
It's been a while since I've bought anything from you, but at the time the format was non pdf.
Have you change this?

Yes, anybody who has followed Lybrary.com's releases over the last months probably realised that we released mainly PDFs. We are supporting both, HTML and PDF, but the focus is shifting towards PDF. The recent versions of Acrobat have become better and many of the features I built into my HTML ebooks which were originally not in Adobe have made it finally into Adobe (for example searching many ebooks with one swoop; text-to-speech and others).
We are also working on converting our HTML ebooks to PDFs, but this kind of conversion work is pretty low priority and so it will take a while until we have every ebook available as PDF. Nevertheless you will find already many PDFs at Lybrary.com.
Steve V
Inner circle
Northern California
1878 Posts

Chris' company is making available hard to find to impossible to find book with great production levels and the ability to search etc., we are not talking just scanning and selling here. I reccomend his services w/out reservation.
Steve V
Veteran user
Phoenix, Az
381 Posts

Yeah but you can't get 'personally signed ebooks!'....
Inner circle
1072 Posts

On 2006-03-06 04:47, atucci wrote:
Yeah but you can't get 'personally signed ebooks!'....

That is true, but soon you will be getting at Lybrary.com a lot more than the ebook. I am working on two new features which will differentiate ebooks even more from books. I am so excited about these new features/services that it is hard for me to hold back. But since I am in the middle of development I don't want to spill the beans prematurely. I anticipate that these new features will push many over the hump to at least try out ebooks, if not embrace them. So, yes, a signature is cool, but besides collector value and a great memento it doesn't offer much. What I am planning will actually give you more information and help you get more out of the ebook, become a better magician. Stay tuned..
Steve V
Inner circle
Northern California
1878 Posts

Atuci has an excellent point. If someone was to get the Vernon book right now he could go get it signed by Dai Vernon and that would be way cool.
Steve V
Tom Jorgenson
Inner circle
4453 Posts

YOU try to get that cigar out of his hand. No thanks!
We dance an invisible dance to music they cannot hear.
Veteran user
Phoenix, Az
381 Posts

Hey guys, I was being facetious (in deference to my friend mikejorden). As you can read, he's very proud of his signed, first edition book although I'm not sure if that'll make him a better magician(facetious again).
Chris - can't wait to 'hear' about your new features!
Inner circle
1072 Posts

Chris - can't wait to 'hear' about your new features!

I described details in my newsletter today. The whole system is in beta version. I will provide more information later once the first beta test is over. For now this is exclusive to newsletter subscribers.
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